Johnny CoatHanger and the Abortions are on the No Fetus Can Beat Us Tour with special guest Mizz Carriage. Come see us perform at the Back Alley Bar and Grill. Pregnant women drink for free and no cover charge with proof of aborted fetus. So dont miss out as we promote our new album "Die Baby Die" also dont miss the new hit song "Back alley abortion" and "toilet babies" featuring Mizz Carriage.
We have been through lots of shit on the road here in the USA and i think this CUNTry is full of huge mountains of shit. We have been car bombed down south by a right wing nazi christian death metal band by the name of Straight Hate and we have been constantly harrassed by a bunch of brain sterilized politicaly correct liberal douchebags. I have two abortions of my own, one just turned 15 and the other is 11 years old and i am very proud of the both of em'. I have some photos of them in my wallet i take on tour just incase i feel lonely.I break lots of hearts but i do feel bad about my new friend and lover, Mizz Carriage. She wanted to have my abortion but had a miscarriage just before the proceedure and now all she does is cry. Its a romantic tragedy but thats love. Surviving band members are my cousin Rusty Coathanger on bass, Cletus the Fetus on drums and Abbey Abortion on giutar. We like to show up at anti abortion protests on a flat bed truck and play songs like Die Baby die and my personal favorite, baby in the trash can. If you have an unwanted pregnancy or just want us to offend an audience at a gig or local bar, just send us a message or give me a wink...i'll know what you need. And always keep in mind that its never to late to be an abortion
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Panda Demands Abortion!Tears in Heaven