sarah profile picture



About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
When people hang out with me they probably think: "man, this girl is a nut-job, who lets her out? no...she totally isn't going to put that in her mouth...oh, gross. she totally did." I don't care about money and tend to give it away even when I can barely pay my own bills. I love logic problems and crosswords. I am a huge promoter, provider and advocate of hugs. I am a clutz but still attempt things that require coordination. I love a lot AND (not but) have a horrbily offensive sense of humor. Embarassing events and awkward silences rock. I am torn between winnipeg and edmonton('s job market). I love eyebrows. I love puzzles, really really big puzzles. I like to soak giant twizzlers in slurpee and then (gently) smack people with them because it leaves this nasty goo.Saskatoons are my favorite berry by far.If I offer to make you a scarf even if I don't know your first name, you don't need to be afraid; I just really like to make people scarves; it doesn't mean I want to have your babies. --ew,babies--- I have no internal dialogue. I seem to attract muggers. I love to laugh (way too loud). I love bellies! Beer bellies are gorgeous. I have a huge crush on Dan Conner... width="425" height="350" ..

My Interests

putting words together that shouldn't go, ex. seafood-bikini. Eating york peppermint patties. wearing librarian sweaters. laughing through my nose.


stuff that I like because its good, its funny, I can scream or dance like a fool along to it, or it is just so silly that you can't help but love it.


I am a documentary addict.hedwig, dirty work, beverly hills ninja, ninja turtles secret of the ooze...anything that isnt scarey (so NOT the wizard of Oz... too scarey)


OBLONGS!!!!! Clone High. My so-called life. Conan O'Brien.


I love books in general; but especially history and stuff that massages my brain. anything by Roald Dahl.


My awesome kids at NEEDS Centre, and people that do stuff

My Blog

take this job and shove it!... I don't work here no more!

I got a new job, and its in Edmonton. So Im moving back may long weekend!
Posted by sarah on Sat, 12 May 2007 04:51:00 PST

because you have nothing better to do

Creepy but hilarious. enjoy.
Posted by sarah on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 09:43:00 PST

a little late for easter but none the less hilarious

Cyanide & Happiness @
Posted by sarah on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 10:59:00 PST

oh timbaland

I can't get enough of Timbaland. And I don't care who knows it.  There I said it. I feel much better now.If you'll excuse me, I have some kitchen dancing/mango eating to attend to.  ...
Posted by sarah on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 08:39:00 PST

almost elligible for parole

Today marks the 6 month point of working here in regina. 50% done. phew. Hopefully this second half will go faster bc it wont be crappy winter, and I have some holidays to look forward to. just got...
Posted by sarah on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 02:55:00 PST

standard hermit

I learned to drive standard. I love it. I think I should put all my energy towards wasting gas and polluting the earth just racing around needlessly all day long. Who cares about the...
Posted by sarah on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 06:50:00 PST

pool of merky green tea

yesterday my sister Erin and I took my 90 year old grandpa on a two hour car ride to swim in the waters of Manatou. Apparently at one time a group of cree people were trying to escape from a sma...
Posted by sarah on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 10:07:00 PST

Ciao for Now Edmonton

I'm moving to Regina. Yep, gots me a job. Bittersweet. Yay for no debt in a year. Boo to moving to Regina.
Posted by sarah on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 12:36:00 PST

someone else decide for me, please

so Im feeling tonnes of pressure to figure out what I am doing with this life, other than wasting it. the prof  I worked for is all like "masters masters masters", but in what? I like to study e...
Posted by sarah on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 04:05:00 PST

Thanks Eddie

Today some people at work were being complete assholes, not unusual but every few weeks I just get fed up and they get under my skin. But, on my walk home I ran into one of the "oldtimers" and he was ...
Posted by sarah on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 08:52:00 PST