PUNK ROCK, ROCK N ROLL, GARAGE, Girl Groups, Coffehouses, RADICALISM, Bikes, Guitars, Martial Arts, adventure, kissing, foolin around, road trips, anything offbeat and interesting,cute guyz, dangerous women...
Sexy and Deranged Individuals who will give it to me real good!This is a pic I took in Austin TX at the Music HAll of my childhood HERO Alejandra Guzman. I've actually already met her and even got to hang out with her one night.img
JOhn Waters, Pedro Almodovar, anything with crazy bitches, tough bitches, or even better crazy tough bitches.
I adore this book. I'd FUCK it if I could. RENT GIRL,Chelsea Whistle,Valencia,Without A Net,(Michelle Tea ROCKS!) La Otra Cara De America, THAT's REVOLTING! QUEER Strategies for Resisting Assimilation, The Peter Pan Bag, The Sexual Politics of Meat, Black Wings and Blind Angels, PUSH, Zami, GODSPEED, A Beer On Every Page...