CROSSFIRE RECORDS profile picture


hardcore isnt music

About Me

CROSSFIRE does not release record, in order to earn our money.
Sale is used for the child deprived of the right for living.We do not force our happy feeling on other country people.
The feeling of value it is thought that is happy is because it differs by every person.
However, we know the child who is not allowed even the right which makes a lives.
For example, sexual violence to children, A boy soldier’s adoption ,moreover,Children are made to force the dangerous work which may die.
We need to know that the child who is not allowed even the right which works like a slave and makes a living exists.
This thing is not sympathy.
It is the natural right which should be granted to children.
We contribute for the right which makes a living to children, and the organization who supports the future.
They are supporting children in fields, such as education, nutrition, and health and a medical examination.
moreover,We want to help the animals which fall victim to human’s desire.
They are killed in order to produce many products for cost reduction.
However, a product remains and is thrown away.
The life without the necessity of being killed is killed in our world.
A hen is shut up by the narrow cage in a poultry farm, and a lifetime is passed.
The same is said of a cow, a pig, or other livestock.
I want to use this money also for the earth which is likely to die.
This thing is not hypocrisy.
It is requital of a favor.
I have received many people, the animal, the plant, and the natural benefit, while making a living every day.
We define many problems.
What miserable occurrence has happened in the world, or we need to get to know.
And the persons with the soul of a hard core have to cooperate.
Our deed is a very very small scale.
However, when or it becomes the thing of a big scale.
Please spread this movement!!
Please lend your power!
Thank you for your consideration!!!! crossfirerecords release CFR-1:AFRICAN GENOCIDE BENEFIT COMP"We belong to the world living not for ourselves but for others" sold out
xAd Armax(NORWAY) Bend (JAPAN) Beside Oneself (JAPAN) Break New Ground(JAPAN) xBreed Apartx (GERMANY) xCondolenciax (BRAZIL) xConfrontox (BRAZIL) xCuestion De Respetox (CHILE) Disease (JAPAN) xElevenx (MALAYSIA) Emphasis (JAPAN) xInsurrectionx (POLAND) Justice Department (SPAIN) xLinha de Frentex (BRAZIL) xPor La Verdadx (MEXICO) xResistx(USA) Seed (JAPAN) xSet My Pathx(SWEDEN) xShiverx (JAPAN) xThe Battlex (SWITZERLAND) xTombStone UltraDeathx (USA) Tonite (JAPAN) Umbrage(JAPAN) xZero Tolerancex (CANADA)
CFR-2:KERNELZERO"3hours of silence before death"OUT NOW
sold out
distrobute by INTER PUNK

My Interests


Member Since: 9/29/2005
Band Website:
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Influences: Please see video and know reality.The fur production spot was investigated by the China from 2004 to January, 2005.It was bred in order to take a fur, and the actual condition of the animals killed was summarized in video, the photograph, and the detailed report. It was bred in order to take a fur, and the actual condition of the animals killed was summarized in video, the photograph, and the detailed report. We can choose whether these animals are released from pain, without buying a fur for whether does he buy a fur and money is paid to pain for these animals. You yourself decide their fate. Please click a lower picture.

"to people eating meat" have to know this reality if you eat meat. you support them who are you hope it?you end as a human being if you feel nothing in this thing.i dont say"sympathize with animals" i want say"the person who cannot value one's lifespring profanes oneself." we can choose veganism.xhirox
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

benefit comp

Novemver 10, 2006 OUT xCFRx1 BENEFIT COMP CD"We belong to the world living not for ourselves but for others" The first release of a label is Benefit COMP of Democratic Republic of the Congo . T...
Posted by CROSSFIRE RECORDS on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 06:18:00 PST

The armed forces for slaughter

hey..When does American massacre corps withdraw from Iraq? What are they in Iraq for? They came to Iraq to promote terrorism. They came to Iraq to rape a child. They came to Iraq to slaughter  Ir...
Posted by CROSSFIRE RECORDS on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 01:55:00 PST

Possession of nuclear weapons

Representative Japanese fool said. "Japan should argue about possession of nuclear weapons of an own country." "We should examine possession of nuclear weapons by the international situation" "Consti...
Posted by CROSSFIRE RECORDS on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 07:33:00 PST

relationships of mutual trust

Do you trust the person who appeals for a friendship while having a knife? This is not fair at all. All countries should abandon a nuclear weapon All countries should not make nuclear testing We shoul...
Posted by CROSSFIRE RECORDS on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 03:07:00 PST

nuclear tests

North Korea carried out a nuclear test today. This is menaces more than a missile test of July.  Korea, China, Russia will do sanctions to North Korea, too. U.S.A. and Japan did economic sanction...
Posted by CROSSFIRE RECORDS on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 01:11:00 PST


North Korea declared a nuclear test. In Afghanistan of power of Taliban revive. Do you help them? They produce drugs and they export them and get foreign currency. Naturally they will be used for the ...
Posted by CROSSFIRE RECORDS on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 03:06:00 PST

the new government

the japanese new government started on september 26 new prime minister SHINZOU ABE was chosen in election. we understood the result since before election was performed in this election in itself absu...
Posted by CROSSFIRE RECORDS on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 03:54:00 PST