Football.... Now playing for the California Predators Minor League (Semi-pro) team as the outside linebacker! being able to play again after my injuries is a dream come true, now to see how far I can take it... I love photography taking pictures, 35mm is better, developing is an awesome art. Then I have Motorcycle racing, Baseball and Football, Surfing, and a lot of other things....
"keep in mind that reality
is different for men and women
as well as for individualssexuality gradient or no
the constructs
of man
and woman
existi'd say that when we are strong within ourselves
we are attractive
when it comes
use your power wisely
and with good conscience"
Written by JRD
Dave Matthews Band, Jack Johnson, Life House, Coldplay, Elliott Smith, Jazz, Classical, anything really but pretty mellow these days... Here is me and my Animals.....
"mind fuck thy name is woman" -elliott smith
Stephen King the Dark Tower Series..... WOLF!!!! Generation Kill, One Bullet Away, God is my Co Pilot, and many more...