Art, Graphic Design, nature, animals, wolves, poetry, stories, friends, fairy tales, supernaturaul, Mythical creatures, outdoors, fishing, hiking, cave exploration, Native american history and art, conservation, wildlife rehabilitation, heritage, reading, movies, Native American Flute
Couldn't be happier / HotFreeLayouts
People who need a good friend. People to share stories and poetry with, interests and conversation. People who enjoy art and are not afraid to share. Someone to share experiances and advice as well as in search of it.
Tribal music, some rock, some country, Dolly parton, native american, meditation, Native american instrumentals, native american voice, Walela Me and my Cedar flute, Yes I can play.
Sci Fi, some horror, suspense, fantasy, Walt Disney, Native American, Comedy, Drama, Tear jerkers.
Animal Planet, Sci Fi, Little house On The Prarie, Ghost Hunters,Ghost Whisperer, supernatural, Law and Order, Surface, Medium, 4400, Dead Zone, Hallmark Movies, Walt Disney movies, cartoons.
Take the quiz:
Which type of Wolf are you???
The Red Wolf
You usually love being on your own but you can travel with your partner or pack, you love your loved ones dearly but can get fussy! But you are good natured, and a loyal friend! You are the Independant Red!
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
adopt your own virtual pet!Harry Potter, Star Wars, most fantasies, Chicken Soup books, Individual poetry, Anything animal, anything supernatural, a good adventure.
My mom, Jesus, God, Rescue workers, Wildlife Rehabilitators, People who go the extra mile to be kind to others.