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About Me

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How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace editor . Danny Rodriguez Is da name... I was born in August 1990.... I was broght up in Puerto Rico during my childhood year... Started to take trips to US since I was 12.... I've been through a lot. From being trown out by my own father, being homeless, gettin put in Di-Fist... Being there in Passaics home of youth (15) is where I learned That singing was my calling... It became more than words on a peace of paper; It was my espace from everything that was going on... I thank God for all dat he's done for me, and now more than ever I believe in that saying that "everything happens for a reason". Maybe if that didn't happen I wouldnt have experience the joy of writting everything I felt in a piece of paper... Now, I'm working on my album "EL COMIENZO"(Los Especialistas=Production) and I hope everyone that hears it likes it... It's going to have different Genre of music like Bachata, Merengue, Salsa, Bolero, Reggeaton, R & B, and Hip hop... I thank everybody that ever helped me without anything in return and remember I never forget about these things... I thank God for giving me my pride, my will, and my Health... With much love to all of those who look up to me... NtonaDanny Rodriguez es mi nombre mejor conocido como N'tona. Primero que nada quiero darle Gracias a toda esa gente que me a apoyado desde el principio y Agradecerles mas que todo... Mi carrera empezo el año pasado cuando yo cai en custodia de Difis, viene siendo servicios sociales. Yo cuando empeze a escribir tenia furia, contra el mundo, contra la vida, contra todo alrededor mio... Enverdad descubri que podia cantar cuando escribi mi primera cancion de amor... Empeze a cantar con un grupo de chamquitos igual que yo para solo ver como sonaba grabado... En esas juntillas me conoci con Dj Vany... La curiosidad me atrajo mas y mas a la musica y me encontre con Doble R. Empezamos a trabajar, se convirtio como un hermano no tan solo en la musica pero enverdad me ayudo con mi situacion... Hasta el dia de hoy yo soy N'tona y no pienso que cambiara mañana, ni el dia despues... 2blePlay Music llego pa quedarse, y mi combeta esta imparable...Componida por Doble R, Dj Vany, Yantee (Da Producer) Brassa, Fenix, Y YO... el quiera melau que baje pa ka, vamos si dan lo que dicen que dan... Que sorpresas hay de mas... Y mi CD Viene Pronto... "El Solitario"...

My Interests


Member Since: 07/01/2008
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Major

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