Umm...stupid movie trivia and current events. Let's see...riding my motorcycle and hikin around A-ville. I work alot...both in the studio and out, though I wouldn't say I'm interested in working outside the studio, Bob.
i guess lots of people, with the hope that they're as cool as i think they are, and not just jerks.
people much more knowledgable than me can explain this stuff much better than i. but i'll go with some npr-ish indy-like stuff along with more rock, country, blue grass, blues, jazz, and oddly enough, movie soundtrack music.
MySpace Editor at MySpace ToolBox
yeah, don't really watch it anymore, except i do like "lost".
so i'm a slow reader, one that picks up lots of books. so i could probably give you a list of about 20 books right off the top of my head that i'd say i really like, though i'm really only about 1/3 through them. but i like them. there's one about ernest shackleton, english antarctic explorer...or billy graham's autobiography, if that isn't too right wong for ya. books about the arts, mostly aesthetics and some design. but i think most of all i like good fiction, stuff that takes you somewhere else for a while and there's that kind of melancoly when you're on the last page of it.
yeah, i don't know. there's some really good ones out there, but i rather not embarass them by sticking their names on my myspace thingee.