Mainly Music related things otherwise:
The many areas of natural beauty around gower penisula, namely Whiteford Sands, Crawley Woods, Pwlldu etc. Discovered over this summer that there is nothing more relaxing than taking a few beers, a few friends, some guitars and a tent down to one of those spots.
Recording music in what I call my home studio, which really doesn't measure up to the name but nevermind.
Playing piano, guitar, sometimes doing the odd gig here and there mainly with my band (check out our myspace -
Other stuff I do is mainly to do with drink, but then I am a student so what the hell eh?!
Completely revamping the old profile here, probably not for the better but what the hey..
Love to meet : David Crosby, Al Pacino, Dave Gilmour, Al Pacino, Steve Howe and many others.
I am not going to churn out thousands of band names cause it would be boring for you guys and for me so I'll just say that I generally listen to old rock (eg Led Zep, Jimi, CSN, Yes, Free..) although I like a variety of other stuff from metal, funk and especially Jazz.
Lord Of the Rings(who doesn't), Star Wars, A Clockwork Orange, Road to Perdition, Blue Velvet, The Shining, One flew over the Cukoo's nest, Die Hard, The Departed, Shawshank Redemption, Back to the Future etc..
I can't get enough of stupid sketch shows like The Fast Show, Reeves and Mortimer and I also like Family Guy, The IT crowd, Garth Meranghi's Dark Place, Black Books, Father Ted and all those.
These days I don't read a lot but if I do it's usually biographies, I'm a bit of a geek at the moment and tend to read random shit on the internet.
Jon Lord, Bill Evans, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, David Crosby, Steven Stills, Grace Slick, Ed Wynne, Miles Davis, to name a few.