Die form, , , Dieramma, Mind in a box, KMFDM, Mindless self indulgence, Massiv In Mensch, Zombie girl, Covenant, Frozen Plasma, , Lords of acid, grendel, Zombie nation, , System Syn, Cruxshadowes, , The Cure, Depech mode, Gary Neuman, Poison, Cindarella, Ratt, Dio, Judas Priest, . , , Metallica, Nelly, Jarull, and so many more.
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, , , , , , , and . I use to like MTV but now all it is are Realty TV.
[ BY WOLF M. ROBINSON ] As I stand in the waking cold and think of the first time I thought of her. It brought such exsquizet pain of joy. It was pain only cause I was not use to having that liberating love in me. I was swinging on a play ground at a school after all the children had left and the parent's an teacher's went away. I loved being alone, it was so in powering to me no one could hurt me after the last time. But now as my vision fades in and out of time from my memmery's I fined my self back to where I am and nothing is clear. The crisp cold winter air at times seems to be my only friend. It will never lut me down it will allways be so cold and sharp just like her last words. As I all ways stood there to protect her from every possiable angel, I never thought of protecting my self. Her blade drew in so quickly when I was not looking. Percing me with a cut that will never heal or stop bleeding. she then struck me in the head to knock me down. The look in her eye's I thought I would have never seen. So ugly, so cold and blank. Now as I lie there on the ground for it is the only thing embracing me now and the cold air is the only thing corresing my body. I feel so cold so confussed. I can not even say one word for the look on my face is enough. She lenes over to look and smile, grimfully. She then finshes what she started. She takes hold of the handel of the blade and twist and pulls out with on motion. My body is so cold yet the only wormth it can fill is the blood that comes from me as it touches my skin . The blood now surrounds me like a pool of red velvet just as the lost and confusion sets further in. My eye's fill with what might be tear's but it is not so cuose the liqued is worm and has a stong smell of copper. Now my vision is fading away my time is short, All I can think is why?Clive Barker Dante AlighieriDean KoonzAlester CrowlieAntion LavayeH. P. Love craft