deborah alys carter profile picture

deborah alys carter

Illusion is the first of all pleasures-Oscar Wilde

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator I'm a minor student of quantum physics and human nature.
I'm a writer, and have been since I could hold a crayon in my chubby little hand. I just finished a script with my beautiful writing partner Lauralei Combs. There's a lot of power in completion.
I'm a painter and I'm obsessed with painters. I'm also obsessed with The Modern in Fort Worth, and high-thread count white egyptian cotton sheets.
I like small, dark clubs.
I live in a bubble. I tend not to stray from a few zip codes, but I love to travel to anywhere that requires a passport or has a beach.
I love mashed potatoes and a good steak.
I used to be addicted to sushi, but now I'm down to once a month.
I have a problem with phones.
If I could change one thing about myself, I would become a little more linear, less esoteric.
I love good red wine.
I wish I still owned every painting I ever painted and every book I ever read.
I love to cook for people and watch them eat.
I think Bill Hicks was channeling.
I am quietly spiritual.
I believe in magic.
I believe in monogamy.
I love serendipity.
I love strange, chance meetings under odd circumstances.
I've been known to spend an entire Sunday and never leave my bed.
Pettiness irritates me. So does apathy. So does judgement.
I do not understand violence as entertainment, and I feel really alone in this.
I love my children.
I love the color red. .

My Interests

Watching my script "Pet-of-the-Week" turn into a movie

Pat Mastelotto

Obnoxiously beautiful women



The I Ching


genius in all forms

open bodies of water


The Sun


Astrology (only personality and relationship stuff--no fortune telling)


I'd like to meet:

Arshile Gorky, Cecily Brown, Nora Ephron or Nancy Meyers (either one will do), and anyone who will teach me a word I don't know.


I love...

Cute, depressed boy groups

Jazz (even the hard stuff)

Mariachis singing sad love songs in Spanish on a mexican beach in the moonlight

Girl singer-songwriters

Loud, obnoxious rock-n-roll
(especially in my car, especially in the spring)

Friends picking guitar in my living room

Good rap

Bad karaoke

Show tunes (sorry)

Old standards like my mom used to sing while she did the dishes at the kitchen sink


And I'm loving prog-rock these days

...but my favorite musical experience is falling asleep on the sofa in Pat's studio while he's working on something new.


My dark secret : I LOVE really cheesy romantic comedies with happy endings--I know it's wrong but I can't stop.


I never watch T.V., except by accident.


Name a book, and I'll tell you if I haven't read it. I go through phases, genres, authors. Right now, it's working scripts. Actually I'll read the back of a cereal box...


Single parents or anyone who makes a living as an artist.

My Blog

Musings by Truman Capote.

"When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip and that whip is soley for the purpose of self-flagelation"--Truman Capote
Posted by deborah alys carter on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 04:26:00 PST

Julian Schnabel, on Basquiat

"There was a little prince with a magic crown. An evil warlock kidnapped him, locked him in a hige tower and took away his voice. There was a window with bars. The prince kept smashing his head agains...
Posted by deborah alys carter on Tue, 02 May 2006 03:09:00 PST

Henry Miller , on being an artist.

"Once I thought to be human was the highest aim a man could have, but I see now that it was meant to destroy me. Today I am proud to say that I am inhuman, that I belong not to men and governments, th...
Posted by deborah alys carter on Fri, 28 Apr 2006 05:04:00 PST

Egon Scheile, on painting human bodies--

"The painting should give off light by itself,bodies have thier own light which they consume during their life;they burn, they are not lit."...
Posted by deborah alys carter on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 12:05:00 PST