Also Greetings thru the Orthodox Faith, which is not a Faith of Writs and Rights, but a mystic inborn conception of one man's heart, in plain terms, to be born again spiritually.
Last not least Greetings thru the Twelve Tribes of Israel, which were once lost and scattered abroad, but founded back in the year 1968,in the little island of Jamaica, thru the works of our beloved Prophet Brother Gad and now functioning world wide.
Greetings thru the Royal House of David, which we see nowadays represented, thru the Imperial Family of Ethiopia, and specially thru our Crown Prince Zera Jacob.
Greetings to one and all !!!!
The History of 12 Gates Music
12 Gates Music was founded in the year 1997 by the Veteran Dreadnut.
The Intention of 12 Gates Music is, to spread the Gospel thru music, to the 4 corners of the earth.
Strictly conscious lyrics, which based on the teaching of the holy Bible and the teachings of His Majesty, Emperor Haile Selassie I the first.
Since that time several Productions has been released.
1995 Dreadnut released the Maxi Outlaw in Babylon, which was produced in Kingston,
Jamaica, with members of the original Roots Radics Band and with the support of Wiss,
from Israel Vibrations.
1997 he released the 7 inch Thriller, on a Heathen Riddim Remix.
2000 Dreadnut released his first Album ( On A Mission )
2001 followed a Dancehall Sampler ( Rasta Unity ), featuring various Artists like,
Joseph Blue ( from Jamaica ), 3rd Son Levi ( from Texas ) and several native Artists
of the Upper Paletinate Bushland ( Germany ).
2005 followed a 7 inch Selection, on the Roadrunner Riddim.
2007 Dreadnut released his Album ( Harm No Man ).
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Dreadnut - Nieder mit den Waffen / Produced by 12 Gates Music & by the Filmmaker Daniel Sebulon