I just want to make it to tomorrow. So I guess you could say I'm interested in survival. If I hear some good music before then well what a fucking bonus!
Simon Canon, Auticus, Death Hounds, Ill Will, The Shrews, Sunday Death Show, Mario Oonser Oonser Oonser, Marty Stouffer and the 5 Flaming All-Stars, Grundlebaggers, Primitive Porcupines, Wolfsbane, and a bunch of other shit that is so cool that you haven't even heard of it.
hey, there are good ones and bad ones, and I'll watch them. I'm totally down if you want to go to anything except a chick flick or a movie by Jerry Bruckheimer... or one with The Rock.
is so the old pink. Like 1994 pink when everyone else was wearing flannels. youtube is the new neon green color that hot chics wear big hoop earrings with.
I own a couple...Bukowski is the watered down version of Fante.Vonnegut
I'm tired of people who do something significant with their lives. Can we please tear them all down? I just want to know they cheat on their spouses, have drug problems, abuse their kids, and spit on their neighbors cat before they go to do something awesome every day. Please play Mellencamp's "Jack and Diane" whilst this is going on.