Huuuummmm. Lindsey Fisher edits this profile.
I love all of my wonderful friends. Super much.
I love my boyfriend. Joseph McCarthy.
The most.
The Used defines me, as well as CHADAM.
My Things I Love Alphabet.
A- Amanda Applecore, Avatar
B- Brittanie Boe!,Ben Folds, Beluga Whales.
C- Courtney Couch Cushion!,Chadam Lives, Cartoons
D- Dye; the hair kind.
E- Everything about my Baby, Eskimo
F- Friends!!
G- Gold, No Fear.
H- Hot Topic, Hellogodbye
I- Internet, Intelligence
J- Jackie, Joe, Juiceboxes!!, Jimmy.
K- Kisses, Kovu
L- Limes; the Key kind.
M- Mommy, MCR,My Baby, Megan.
N- Nail Polish
O- Oregon Trail, One hundred.
Q- Quadratic Formula!
R- Reeses Pieces
S- Sourpatch Kids, Sharing, Spongebob
T- Toothbrushes!!
U- Umbrellas
V- Victoria!
W- Whitest Kids You Know, Wii
X- Xbox
Y- Yellow