Listen, Listen, Listen and Listen some more. Thats how the music of life comes to me. At all angles life and music go hand and hand. So keeping it funky and new is all you can do. Born and raised a hour North of Detroit until 21 years of age. Sean Dubau (Sean Weed) switched his seenery 13 different places by the time he was a sophmore in high school. Mostly with his mom. The one constant thing with me was music. I got the Jimi Hendrix experience in 5th Grade. Recieved a guitar later that year. Learned the six strings from my dad and by mostly trial and error. Sense then my jonras have changed through the years most deffinetely. But I still like the strings, bass and drums up just a hair louder. So to speak. Pretty much like that Jimi Hendrix Experience Cd. Be Creative but stick to your roots is what I say and bring to the table. From Boulder Colorado I'm currently putting together a two man combo project. Between myself and a skilled man working the Percussion department. More info soon..Get Down, DO YOU?
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..I Just Wanna Go Home
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