Merda profile picture


Ready for something big

About Me

About me well grew up in Michigan my whole life. Grew up with alot a different people. I moved around alot in Michigan. I have a good group of friends. As there years go on you find out who is really there for you and who is not. Last year I moved to Lake Havasu Az for a change in mylife. I thought because I was so young and that I needed to try something new. Its been hard being away from family and friends but I get through it. I work as a bartender. Sometimes its fun and others times you just get sick of having to deal with drunk people. As for myself Im just a midwest girl. Love to have fun, and hang with friends. Sometimes just like to chill at home and watch a movie. I dont know were the next years will take me, but there will be ups and downs and I still be here. This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:


Janet jackson, Little Kim, Beyonce,Dashbroad,Pearl Jam, Chris Brown, Danity Kane, Nickelback, Brook, Christina Auilera, Ciara, Frankie J, Jet, Shakira, Dixie Chicks


law and order, any CSI, all hauting show,scrubs,resuce me, mad tv, saturnday night live,soprano's, Sex in the City, Girl's Next store
- <a


Very Long Yet Extremely Exciting Myspace Survey.
Full Name: Miranda
Nick Name(s): Merda
Birthday: June 11,1983
Height: 5'3"
Hair Color: Reddish Blonde
Hair Length: Shoulder
Eye Color: Hazel
Birth Place: Warren Michigan
Current Location: Home alone
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Shoe Size: 8
Clothing Style: Whatever looks hot
Do you wear make up?: Yea
Does anybody you know think you're emo?: dont think so
Do you have a livejournal or xanga?: nope
Do you have/share a cell phone?: yep
Do you have any tattoos?: no
Do you want any tattoos? If so, where?: yea on my foot
Do you wear hats?: sometimes
Do you drink?: yep
Do you swear?: fuckena
Do you smoke?: yep
Have you ever done drugs?: yep
Have you ever drank?: yep
Have you ever been drunk?: alot of times
Have you ever barfed from drinking too much?: yep
Would you ever try a cigarette?: i smoke
Have you ever tried a cigarette?: yep
What day is it?: Valentines day I fucken hate today
What's your favorite day of the week?: Friday
Are you single/taken?: single
Do you like anybody? If so, who?: yep but they dont need to know
Do you want to get married?: someday
Do you want to have kids?: someday
Do you have a job? If so, what?: yep, waitress
Do you have any pets?: two cats
How many computers are in your house right now?: one
Are you on a lap top right now?: nope
Are there any laptops in your house right now?: nope
When's the last time you were asked out?: two days ago
When's the last time you realized/thought for sure somebody likes you?: last night
Do you enjoy single or group dates more?: doesnt matter
Do you like Starbucks?: yep
Do you consider yourself High-Maitenence?: no
Have you ever been called a slut?: yep by people who dont know me
Have you ever been beaten up?: yep
Whats your favorite....
Food?: eggrolls
Color?: purple
Band?: to many to pick from
Artist?: Janet Jackson
Rapper?: 50 Cent
Type of Music?: Rap and R&b
Type of Movies?: Comedy
Sport to Play?: football
Sport to Watch?: basketball
Song at the Moment?: smack that
Season?: summer
Month?: June
Scent?: honey
Type of Dessert?: cheesecake
Vegetable?: Broccilli
Fruit?: Oranges
Word/Abbreviation to use on Instant Messanger?: fuck it
Website?: myspace
Instrument?: drums
Thing to do when you're Bored?: write
Back To The Random/Sweetness...
Do you like going to the beach?: yep
Have you been out of country? If so, how many times?: yeah use to live there
How many states have you been too?: over 10
How many times have you moved?: to many to count
Finish It Up...
Holy Shit! Look at: that hot ass
What a rotten: dirty asshole
My friends are: crazy
I Love: someone who doesnt need to be said
This? or That?
Coke or Pepsi?: pepsi
Vanilla or Chocolate?: vanilla
Mountain Dew or 7Up?: mountain dew
Iced Tea or Lemonade?: iced tea
Starbucks or Tim Hortons?: starbucks
Black or White?: whit
Teal or Pink?: pink
Blonde or Brunette?: brunette
Abercrombie or Hollister?: hollister
Dogs or Cats?: dogs
Day or Night?: night
Gucci or Coach?: gucci
Back to the Random/Sweetness...
Have you ever peed your pants after age ten?: no
Do you watch MTV?: sometimes
Who knows you better;; your friends or your family?: my friends
Who's your "best friend"?: danielle
Who do you talk to most on the phone?: danielle
Who have you known longest?: danielle
Who do you miss most, if any?: jay
Who's the friendliest?: sandy
Who knows you best?: jay
Who can make you smile no matter what?: danielle
Who do you get in the most fights with?: jay
Who do you get along best with?: sandy
Who has the nicest house?: me
"The Last"
Person you commented through Myspace?: jackie
Person who commented you through Myspace?: jay allen
Person you IMed?: brad
Person who IMed you?: brad
Thing you ate?: chips
Thing you drank?: beer
Clothing Item you bought?: black shirt
Coffee Drink you've had?: black
Person you said you loved?: jay
Person you said you hated?: no one
Thing that was annoying you?: no one right now
More random/sweetness...
would you rather eat your own foot or die in your sleep?: die in my sleep
would you rather kiss a person of your same sex or kiss a telephone pole?: same sex
Would You rather eat a snickers or hersheys bar?: snickers
What was the last thing you saw?: work
What was the last movie you watched?: smokin aces
What are you listening to?: mary j
Who are you thinking about?: jay
Who do you hate at the moment?: they know
Would you rather drive a Punch Bug or a PT Cruiser?: pt cruiser
Do you have Cable for your TV?: yep
Do you have Satellite TV?: no
Are you in love?: yea
Name one person you think likes you right now.: no
Do you believe in love at first sight?: yes
Who do you think is thinking about you right now?: dont need to say
What color is your room?: green
Why did you take this survey?: boarded
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My heroes are anyone that is or has been in my life, who has helped we in anyway, You all know who you are.

My Blog


So it has been 2 years and alot of days since I left the home town Armada. Everyday I think about it. I grew alot there but have I grown so much more out here on the west side. I have learned that peo...
Posted by Merda on Thu, 23 Oct 2008 09:24:00 PST

What hurts the most

So Life on the west side is different. I have meant alot of great people and alot of not so great people. I learn not to trust everyone, even though I want to. Only alot of people our all about them a...
Posted by Merda on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 08:16:00 PST

To have and to have not

So I have had life hit me in the face. A guy I thought that cared about me left me hanging. He cheated on me and now I fine myself trying to put myself back together. But it was only a year but I feel...
Posted by Merda on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 07:40:00 PST

Just thoughts

So I have lived in Lake Havasu for a year now. Alot has change, but isnt that the way life always does. I have found out alot of things in myself, and learned alot. I dont know yet if Im going to move...
Posted by Merda on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 02:04:00 PST

Having to get through

Have to fine what life is like away from everyone that u trust. I never really understood why I was the person to just be used by.  When I think about it I have always try to be nice and give wha...
Posted by Merda on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 12:23:00 PST


I want to talk to people but, what the fuck was I not a friend to you all. Im sick of people knocking me down. You dont know know what it means to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Merda on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 10:19:00 PST


I want to talk to people but, what the fuck was I not a friend to you all. Im sick of people knocking me down. You dont know know what it means to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Merda on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 10:19:00 PST

Life On the West Side

So I have move out to Az. I having been living here for almost a year. I would say that it is very different out here. People have there own way of thinking. There caught up in them selves that they s...
Posted by Merda on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 02:53:00 PST


Posted by Merda on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 04:26:00 PST

Hey To the East Coast

So I have been doing alot of things out here. I work in a Bar as a bartneder, and I only work three days a week. Me and the owner our having our little problems. But doesnt everyone have one with ther...
Posted by Merda on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 04:36:00 PST