"The only normal people are the ones you don’t know very well"Here's the deal. I'm interested in almost everyone. I think that everyone has a unique attribute that makes them individually attractive to me. Those who know me know that I can talk for hours on end about almost everything (except sports) and enjoy doing so as long as the person I am talking is passionate, compasionate and isn't condescending. I know that humor is a great medicine and has amazing healing powers and therefore sense of humor is extremely important to me.I've spent a great deal of my life surrounding myself with quality individuals....those who think and do rather than don't, those who are passionate at least about one particular item in their worlds, and those who aren't critical of other's midoings while casting aside their own misfortune. And of course, those that aren't closed minded and unwilling to accept things that are different from the norm.I think if fit at least two of those qualifications (and yes there will be a test) then we'll get along just peachy!Just be cautioned... I expect my friends to live up to a high standard for themselves. I expect my friends to accept their misfortunes and grow with them, learn from them, accept them, rather than hide in the shadows of self made corners. I expect my friends to love. Not a superficial love that values sex over love, money over personality, that overlooks racial boundaries, social class and sexual choices.Any Takers?