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I'm Kenny. I'm 16. I go to BHS. I'm German. That's why I'm always PALE. I'm always occupied with swimming, yet I still find time to have a social life and time for Myspace! Anyways, I'm single, and yes, that means I'm available. I don't care where you live, if you make me fall for you, I'll be yours. To be honest, I'm an idiot, dork, jackass... Whatever you want to call it. I act stupid on a daily basis, but I know when to be serious. My favorite subject is math for some reason. I like to listen to music and kinda dance even though I look like a fish out of water when I do. I'm a good listener an' I always try to help people. I like to make people smile and laugh even when they don't want to. I love when people are happy , because it makes me happy . It is as I am driving on an open road. Without a posted speed limit, yet there is the occasional sharp twist or turn that appears suddenly and without warning. But it is okay, for my responses are highly tuned and I can navigate just about anything . If, however, I consciously slow down my thoughts and focus on my long-term goals, I can discover that I can optimize the energies of the day while still enjoying my mental sightseeing tour. I was raised to never care what people think, and to some extent, that is true, but not one person, by my experience, can fully express his/herself to other human beings.
You're at my page so I'm assuming you want to know a little something about me. Well, I've been through a lot, believe it or not. All different points of views and perceptions have come and gone through this mind. So, for everyone else's sake, I have conformed myself to properly 'fit in' with society. That's right folks, a 'perfect little angel'. And what's weird is, I actually like being nice all the time[it's grown on me after so many years]. Yeah, it's strange isn't it? I live in the U.S. and I have and use a conscience? A rare situation indeed, but I assure you I'm more than what it seems. While everyone is busy with their "same ol' same ol' lives" always doing what is 'expected of them' I like sitting here back from a different view point analyzing how and why myself and others do the things they do. The things I find.. it really amazes me, good and bad. Which got me thinking, life seems way too short to be holding grudges and complaining how boring and repetative something is. What's the point of getting one chance to learn what ever you can and do what ever you can think of if you're going to clutch onto useless emotions such as greed, shallowness, anger, depression, and hate that hold us all back? Let go of all the negative emotion and look for all the opprotunities and potential there is. "where there's a will, there's a way.." And this has always helped me get through things in the past and even in the present.
I have done a lot of dumb stuff in my life. plain and simple. due to not listening to my heart, I have gotten myself into more trouble than I wish to endure. But the best thing about it is, since it hasn't killed me, it's only making me stronger and learn from it. Rational fear is essential for life because it gives us a chance to see what we're truely capable of by over coming it and growing into something better than what we had before. Over the years, I have ignored my intuition [that little voice in your head that tells you to do certain things] and that's what has gotten me into trouble. Idk why I'm just piecing this together now, but 9/10 times that little voice in my head is right about decisions I should make. But from now on, I'm going to listen because I've seen the damage it's done and it's no use ignoring it anymore.
A little 'ability' that juxtaposes my Intuition is my self apparent in-progess phychic 'power'. yeah, It sounds crazy, but ask the right person who knows me and you'll get a few funny/serious/crazy stories. And since you won't automatically accept this due to it's over exaggerated sci-fi exploitations, for now, I'll just let that single strand sink somewhere in your nevous system [might explain that later if that confused you]. I really feel like it's growning stronger the more and more certain things happen. it's getting to the point where I get a small headache near my left temple and then it happens. idk hard to explain at the moment. they're not REALLY big things or any crazy flashs, they're just big enough to where I'm becoming aware of it's presence. I could have used this advantage MANY times but because of my selfishness, I ignored it because I wasn't completely conviced. [a side note that I have forgotten to add in: I can lucid dream now with the ability to utilize my intuition towards future outcomes. yeah yeah you think I sound like a mad man who needs to put a 'white jacket' on] lol who knows, maybe I am just crazy.
I never realized how long 16 years was to learn something of value until just recently. although most of my methods of obtaining 'knowledge' was a little unorthodox, from the opposed means of reading a book or paying attention in school, I have learned Several things that make more and more sense when certain events happen. Mainly concerning psychology, I have learned a great deal of things that have to do with how the mind works and reacts specifically. Self exploration has made me see so many new perspectives I wouldn't know where to begin to explain them to you. But, knowing simple psychological 'tricks', I just have to observe and act accordingly to get by.simple.I have also come to a 'conclusion' that although I'm supposed to conform to school regulations and finish my "education" my attention is easily directed elsewhere when thinking about life and how it works. I believe that before you can learn other things in the world, you should know yourself first. I have all the time in the world to learn physics,history,biology, and whatever else [even though when I actually do it, it's easier than tieing a shoe]I mean, I got a 1790 on my PSAT and I barely study...at all if any. It just goes to show you how much garbage school can be. I actually do think of myself as a rather well informed individual, I just don't feel the need to boast to everyone else about it like I'm better than the next person. Unfortunately for me, society demands proof of an education by means of papers and other bull shit, but any shmoe can cheat their way through school with a 4.0 if their good enough. Since my mind is so soluble to 'knowledge' at an early age, I'd rather take more time to understand the hardest thing of all in my mind. Myself.
What really pisses me off though, is there seems to be quite an annoying reoccurence of ignorance and close-mindedness among several people I've come into contact with. Not to name names, but people need to realize that times are changing, and fast. Myself and newer generations are learning and understanding things faster and faster; It's just a fact of time. I am fully aware of what 'Love' is and the effects it has on someone. I don't need someone to tell me what I can or can't think "at my age". Because honestly, that is thee worst excuse I've ever heard of in my entire life. Nothing pisses me off more than someone telling me what my emotions are and what they mean [unless, that is, you are a professional psychologist]. absolutely nothing. No one could possibly perceive my exact emotions just because they think they've seen it or been through it before. People need to open their minds a little and accept the fact that some things change. I am completely content with my actions and emotions and don't need anyone telling me other wise.
What I hate about society is how a lot of people that try to show emotions in their life are dispelled by very unkind people, and there are also those who use their false emotions as a cry for attention, but maybe in a sense, they are real, if they are as lonesome as I, but I doubt it.
It has been concluded among myself and my closest friends that today, there are no single possible females that would even come remotely close to being like we are. The dull females fall for the dull men, and it is a ridiculous cycle of life, which occurs all the time. I just wonder if there is a person out there for me, if there is a true love, if there is fate.
I want a girl that is self-aware, emotionally intelligent, kind, and beautiful. Why does my fate seem to be so dark? I can not find anyone, not the slightest chance.
I am:
vivacious, impulsive, demanding, does not care for criticism, ambitious, intelligent, talented, likes to play with its fate, can be egoistic, very reliable and trustworthy, faithful and prudent lover, sometimes brains rule over heart, but takes partnership very serious.