i hope we see the light before its ruined. profile picture

i hope we see the light before its ruined.

i love you like a sister but you need to switch and thats why they called you bitch, i betcha.

About Me

No one knows my struggle, they only see the trouble,
not knowing its hard to cary on when no one loves you,
picture me inside the misery of poverty,
no man alive has ever witnessed struggles i've survived.
wise words,
from a wise man.

Rest In Peace Tupac Shakur.
I'm a sports person.
I play rugby
I do athletics
I play basketball
I have dreams,
And im not going to let anyone stand
In my way
Or try and stop me
From reaching them.
I love music,
But its not my life.
Sometimes i like to have one girl
In my life.
But sometimes i wish i was single.
Im 5'10''
Im pretty slim
I have curly hair.
But sometimes its straight if im in the mood.
I wear contact lenses,
Cause i hate my glasses.
I dont particularly like school,
But i have to do it,
So i might as well try not to fail.
Im lucky that im clever and
Im lucky with the
Oppurtunities ive had,
But ive noticed it doesnt
Come as easy from now on,
So ive decided to try a bit with my work.
I want to move to america for college.
I want to be a professional athlete,
Or basketball player.
And im going to try as hard as i can
To get there.
I call everyone fat,
so dont be offended if i call you fat too.
Im Asthmatic
And think its crap,
But oh well.
I play guitar
My bands called E X O H!.
Erotic Xrays Or Heaven.
I like books
I like geography
I like art
Im a graffiti artist
I think graffiti
is beautiful.
I get called arrogant
And Big headed
But just cause i can do things you can't,
Dont be a baby and get jealous. The fact that you cant do it,
doesn't make me arrogant does it.
It makes you a whiney little shit.
And means you're crap
at whatever you're trying to do
I think it should be legal
To marry
Nike High Tops.
Two pices of advice,
one from my sister,
and the other one from me.
You love someone when you cant put into words how you feel about them.
If you have a dream, chase it till you get it.
Dont let anybody tell you you cant do it.
Just because they can't make it, it doesnt mean you can't.
If you have a dream dont let anybody get in the way.
End of.
My ultimate goal is
To run for my country in the 2012 London Olypics,
and hopefully then
i'd of proved everyone who didn't belive in me wrong.
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My Interests



trance, techno, screamo, metal, grime

Currently listening to:

Bring Me The Horizoon
Enter Shikari
Robots in Disguise
Tinie Tempah

