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Dave Thomas


About Me

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How it started - Dave @ Youtube

Dave Thomas is a natural born Pianist/Accordionist based in Brighton, on the south coast of England. Already familiar to many fans of French composer Yann Tiersen from his popular YouTube account - on which he covers, entirely by ear, works from the critically acclaimed Amelie soundtrack with an astonishing degree of musicality and touch.

As a result Dave was featured on the front page of Youtube and shortly afterwards 2 of his Tiersen covers, "La Noyee" and "La valse d’Amelie Piano" reached the million views mark.

Dave is attempting to forge a solo career off the back of a rapidly growing following. Please send all enquries to:


My Interests


Member Since: 9/28/2005
Band Website: davethomasmusic.co.uk
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Type of Label: None