GETTIN ON MY SHIT!!! profile picture


b honest wit urself n erythin else will b easy

About Me

God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

*LiTtLe BiT oF eVeRyThInG*
*BaSiC iNfO*
Name: christina
Nick Names: dirb
Birthday: 3-9-88
Age: 19
Siblings: samantha, megan, and jason
School: non
Hair Color: brownish red
Hair Style: shoulder length
Braces or Glasses: contacts
Body Type: thick
What do you think your best feature is: my eyes
What do people tell you your best feature is: my eyes n some say my ass :)
Are you hot?!: some think so
Color: yellow
Movie: rent, coach carter
TV Show: one on one i
Food: hmm chinese, mexican, and italian
Drink: root beer
Animal: meow
Season: spring/summer
Day of the Week: thursday
Sport: football
Holiday: lol its a tie between thanksgiving and christmas ;)
Resturant: olive garden
Flower: lilies
Stone (Diamond-Pearl ect.): diamond yeah baby im expensive!!!
Magazine: glamour
Person you hugged: my aunt
Person you kissed: ramon
Thing you said: i guess ill call u when i call u!
Thing you ate: left over alfredo pizza
Thing you touched: the keyboard duh
IMed: i dont remember
You Called: ryan
Called You: britt
Missed Call: my aunt
Person you saw: my boss
Person you Emailed: mike
Smartest: devin
Dumbest: im not mean
Nicest: krystal
Meanest: britt
Loudest: ryan
Shyest: sean
Craziest: britt
Hottest: do i count? lol
Slutiest: umm again not mean
Most likely to stab you in the back: well they wouldn't b a friend now would they?
best girl friend: britt
best guy friend: joker
shortest: joker
tallest: aaron
Most likely to go to jail: hmmmmmmmmm
Most likely to Drive Drunk: hmmmmmmmmm
Make out with a Stranger: sean
Get kicked out of School: sean
To become a model: aaron
A clown for the cirus: i dont have any monkey friends
*ThE pAsT mOnTh*
Drank: nope
Snuck out: umm im grown
Lied to your parents: again, grown
Been to the Mall: i work there
Been Bowling: nope
Went to a party: last weekend
Skipped School: not in school
Went on Vacation: nope
*In YoUr ROoM*
TV: kinda
Computer: no
Phone Line: no
Phone: kinda
DvD Player: kinda
Posters: no
PicTures: no
of What 4 things: huh?
2.: ........
4.: .......
*YoUr CrUsH*
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: brown
Body Type: muscley he he
Do they play sports: kinda
if so what: ha ha the bedroom kind!
Is he popular: he better not b!!!
*7 TuRn OnS*
1.: good hair
2.: nice smile
3.: pretty eyes
4.: nice body
5.: funny
6.: good style
7.: sweet
*5 TuRn OfFs*
1.: mean
2.: defensive
3.: always makin me feel like im worth nothing
4.: skinny
5.: askin me questions that are on my myspace!!!!
*4 ThInGs YoU LoVe*
1.: a1 sauce
2.: one on one
3.: robert richard
4.: britt
*4 ThInGs YoU HaTe*
1.: wishy-washy people
2.: peanut butter
3.: shrimp
4.: dirty people
*3 ThInGs To TakE oN a DeSeRt IsLaNd*
1.: a gas powered boat
2.: gas
3.: fresh water
*1 PeRsOn YoU MiSs RiGhT nOw*
1.: myself - its time i got back in touch with ME!!
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.. width="425" height="350" .. .. width="425" height="350" .. .. width="425" height="350" .. .. width="425" height="350" .. .. width="425" height="350" ..
*LiTtLe BiT oF eVeRyThInG*
*BaSiC iNfO*
Name: Christina
Nick Names: i dont really have a nickname
Birthday: march 9
Age: 18
Siblings: samantha-23 jason-27?
School: im done wit skool
Hair Color: black
Hair Style: i dunno its always diff
Braces or Glasses: i got glasses but i almost never wear em
Body Type: THICK!!!
What do you think your best feature is: umm my eyes...
What do people tell you your best feature is: eyes duh!!!
Are you hot?!: i dunno if u put me in an oven i guess i would b...
Color: yellow
Movie: ummm i dont think i have 1...
TV Show: one on one, tyra, one tree hill
Food: chinese n seafood
Drink: alcoholic? margarita or amaretto sour...
Animal: cat
Season: lol i dont really care as long as its warm...
Day of the Week: ummm i dunno
Sport: football i guess
Holiday: christmas
Resturant: long horn, n this chinese place on arlington
Flower: i dunno roses r nice but there r prettier flowers...
Stone (Diamond-Pearl ect.): i like the yellow diamond, but yellow sappires r pretty 2...
Magazine: i dont think i really have 1...
Person you hugged: ummm i think chris could count as a hug that he gave me when he left work yesterday...
Person you kissed: hmm thas tough 2 answer... im not really sure how 2 spell his name... but he knows who he is ;)
Thing you said: i think it was bye 2 shera
Thing you ate: sausage biscuit wit cheese from mcdonalds
Thing you touched: keyboard duh
IMed: hmmm i think it was this guy ryan but im not sure
You Called: i think britt
Called You: britt again
Missed Call: im not sure... duh thas y its a MISSED call
Person you saw: shera
Person you Emailed: i think it was actually myself...
Smartest: all of my friends r the same level of smartness
Dumbest: i dunno
Nicest: katie
Meanest: britt lol
Loudest: britt
Shyest: prolly anthony
Craziest: britt
Hottest: ummm i dunno
Slutiest: i dunno
Most likely to stab you in the back: ok who would put this in here when that friend can read it?
best girl friend: britt
best guy friend: ummm devin
shortest: chris
tallest: ummm i dunno... i would say shawn but were not really friends nemore
Most likely to go to jail: i dunno
Most likely to Drive Drunk: dawaine
Make out with a Stranger: me lol
Get kicked out of School: ummm chrissy
To become a model: i dont have ne model type friends... mayb aaron...
A clown for the cirus: lol im so not gon say...
*ThE pAsT mOnTh*
Drank: yup over @ sheras
Snuck out: umm im grown i dont need 2 sneek out
Lied to your parents: yeah again i dont need 2 lie
Been to the Mall: yup went wit britt n britt
Been Bowling: nope
Went to a party: kinda... more like an unplanned get-2gether
Skipped School: umm im not in skool
Went on Vacation: i wish
*In YoUr ROoM*
TV: nope
Computer: nope
Phone Line: nope
Phone: if i take it up there
DvD Player: yeah (gay isnt it cause i dont have a tv)
Posters: yeah i got a marine poster
PicTures: yup i got a shrine 4 my gpa
of What 4 things: .... huh?
2.: .....
4.: .......
*YoUr CrUsH*
Hair Color: blackish
Eye Color: dark brown
Body Type: nice n fit... he can thro me round the room if u no wat i mean
Do they play sports: not nemore
if so what: football
Is he popular: i dunno i guess
*7 TuRn OnS*
1.: build
2.: ability 2 hold a convo
3.: clothing style
4.: likes cats
5.: aint tryna get on sum other girl while hes @ my house
6.: smart
7.: got his life straight
*5 TuRn OfFs*
1.: bad style
2.: tryna talk 2 2 many other girls
3.: doesnt seem 2 b goin newhere in life
4.: jus plain ole dumb
5.: bad breath
*4 ThInGs YoU LoVe*
1.: yellow
2.: warmth
3.: nice clothes
4.: family n friends that love me
*4 ThInGs YoU HaTe*
1.: ppl that judge u by wat they hear bout u not wat they no personally
2.: ppl that judge u by age
3.: coldness
4.: dark chocolate
*3 ThInGs To TakE oN a DeSeRt IsLaNd*
1.: lol sex drugs n alcohol jk ummm a blanket
2.: lol can i jus take a whole damn house?
3.: a satellite phone...
*1 PeRsOn YoU MiSs RiGhT nOw*
1.: "i can not give out that information 4 security purposes" lol
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been kissed.. i sure have
lied to a friend.. only when they look fat
dyed ur hair my natural hair color is brown... u tell me...
dressed punk as a dare
kissed a girl sure y not?
saw something u didnt want to actually most of the time its SOMEONE!
danced in the rain a while ago but yeah
lied to ur parents i used 2 when i was yunger but i dont need 2 now
went barefoot in the snow only 2 get the paper
played hockey nope
made ur own clothes ummm no
got in a fite lol wit myself
took a shower yup
gave a dirty look to someone nope im a lover not a fiter
cried=( actually no im on a roll
did a cartwheel i couldnt do a cartwheel if my life depended on it
went to school no
shopped yeah i went 2 walmart
danced yup
got sick nope i got a clean bill of health
did something u regret nope
discovered something new yeah guys r turds
run to class because ur always late nope
act perfect nobodys perfect
act hyper nope im always hyper
are a nerd no
in band?? yup
in ur pjs nope
drinkin water
listening to music summr nites by lil rob
watching a movie nope but i wanna c the grudge 2
iming someone nope
talkin on the fone nope
eating nothin im full
hot topic or abercrombie and fitch abercrombie
thongs or briefs thongs
boxers anyone?!?! only on guys or when im sleepin
sweatpants or jeans jeans
longsleeved shirts or short sleeve longsleeve
tube tops or tanks tank
current clothes jeans a black beater n a lil black zip up shirt
current mood pretty good
current music ahhh it changed sean paul we b burnin
current taste i want sum MACdonalds
current make-up lots of lip gloss so i got big juicy lips
current thing I ought to be doing hmmmmm....... lol
you hugged my cousin
yelled at my mom
IMed. brandon
you touched my sis
[ EiTHER/0R .. ]
coffee or hot chocolate hot chocolate
big or little big DUH!
lace or satin satin cause lace itches
new or old new
vogue or cosmopolitan cosmo
skirt or dress skirt cause then u can mix n match
wool or cotton cotton
[DO YOU..]
put on a "front" nooooooooo
have a crush on someone i sooooo do
if u got a tatoo where wud u get it my wrist back shoulder hip
waht is the online symbol u use the most i dunno
u have a boyfriend or girlfiend nope im single
who's hotter, Josh Hartnett or Chad Michael Murray chad
what was the last thing you said ha ur such a slut!
who would u want to be stuck in an elevator with ROBERT ANDREW RI'CHARD!!!!
do you like stickers sure
do u play with mad libs wen ur bored no im not 5
are you suicidal last i checked no
is your window open no its cold outside
what was the last pair of shoes you bought a pair of beige flip flops 2 match this fit i bought
do you have a little brother no
does he draw you cute pictures no but my imaginary friend does
where do your grandparents live in houses
what do you think of when you hear the word click boom
are you a moron oh yeah i so am
do you like trampolines yep
have u ever accidentally sucked something up in the vacuum yeah a cat
did you see American Pie 2 nope n i didnt c 1 eithr
do you cut yourself ummm mayb when im choppin veggies n cookin or sumthin


Ender's Game, The Seventh Son, The Red Prophet, The Rowan... all great sci-fi books


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My Blog

real men wash their hands

I am getting so disgustd wit men these days. did ur mama not teach u 2 wash ur hands aftr u use the toilet? i dnt care if u "only" peed. WASH UR HANDS! takin a shit? WASH UR HANDS! its unbelieveable h...
Posted by GETTIN ON MY SHIT!!! on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 08:58:00 PST

people from my past

I work in the mall, so i see ppl i know al the time. n its funny how they dnt say hey, not that i want or expect them 2. but i c them n i think my life iz so much betr then theirs. i mean, im so much ...
Posted by GETTIN ON MY SHIT!!! on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 12:12:00 PST

She’s Kicking!!!

So for the first time, I can feel my baby kicking, when I put my hand OUTSIDE of my belly... She's getting so big... Anybody have any name suggestions?
Posted by GETTIN ON MY SHIT!!! on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 09:02:00 PST

I Want To Know...

I want to know why u hurt me. I want to know why u dont want me. I want to know why things have changed. I didnt change. But what would change if I knew? Nothing. So I dont ask....
Posted by GETTIN ON MY SHIT!!! on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 07:19:00 PST

Is It Time For a New Fridge?

Im sittin here thinkin maybe sometimes its not my fault, sometimes things just fall apart. Mayb I should apply basic appliance logic to my life... if ur fridge breaks, u get a new one... ur stove, a n...
Posted by GETTIN ON MY SHIT!!! on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 06:07:00 PST


So 4 those of u that didnt know, im pregnant. n i found out 2day that its a girl!
Posted by GETTIN ON MY SHIT!!! on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 01:31:00 PST

what i see

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

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Posted by GETTIN ON MY SHIT!!! on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 06:33:00 PST

what i want

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Posted by GETTIN ON MY SHIT!!! on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 04:30:00 PST

Moving Out!

I'm just posting this so that everyone knows that I'm FINALLY movin out! Lol, I've been talking about it for months, now it's really happening. Lol, so don't call my house phone anymore, because it ai...
Posted by GETTIN ON MY SHIT!!! on Thu, 17 May 2007 10:04:00 PST