Laura profile picture


It's nice to be important but it's more important to be nice.

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator
Hi! I'm a girl. My name is Laura. I like a lot of things.
I'm a freelance artist -specializing in painting and other 2D media- currently living and working in the North-East of England. I've done a lot of work in areas involving arts therapies -both individual tutoring & group workshops with elderly/mentally ill/learning disabled clients mainly. Been involved in running workshops on things such as textile design/traditional rug making, drawing & painting, kite making/design & ceramics. I've had previous commissions for places such as local NHS hospitals (where I've worked with patients on a number of occasions as part of residencies in various units/practices/care homes; including at one point designing/painting a 6ft square piece -of my own- based on biological imagery, commissioned by one hospital to hang in the main foyer/reception), a new Arts Centre (working in steel -welding etc- in collaboration with a few other local artists, in order to produce two metal sculptures for the centres opening) and -one of my favourites- a site-specific commission for a series of paintings, at the end of a fairly long residency at Dance City in Newcastle; where I worked with dance students in order to get an idea of the atmosphere of the place, aswell as just the architecture etc... was really sound -and I got to work in neons, lol. Have had work shown in quite a few exhibitions too, including other site-specific & outdoor works, and shows in warehouses, among other things. I've also done a lot of poster/flyer & cd cover design for various events/peoples.
I love all sorts of different music, including hip-hop/soul, rock/indie, reggae/world music, jazz/funk, d&b/jungle, breakbeat/electro/rave and breakcore/raggacore (etc etc... lol), but my favourite artist -if I had to choose (& I wouldn't want to!)- is John Frusciante, just cos I love his solo work so much. Among other things I really enjoy reading and writing poetry, hand-making bags, toys and jewellery, customizing -and since recently making- clothing, photography, travel, camping -especially at festivals, socializing and helping out my partner with his club nights (he's a DJ/Producer & Sculptor), I also do the artwork/promo for Spazmango (-shiny new profile up now, on me top friends. Word). I consider myself as a very friendly, sociable person but at the same time I can be pretty shy -but wtf, no-one's perfect!
Name: Laura
Birthday: April 23rd 1980
Birthplace: County Durham
Current Location: North East England
Eye Color: Bluey-gray
Hair Color: Red/auburn/ginger -whatever you want to call it!
Height: 5'2"
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: Some Irish, Welsh & English
The Shoes You Wore Today: Black, red & gold Kashi Kicks.
Your Weakness: Music (esp. Mr Fru, Chilis etc), charity shops, brightly coloured/patterned clothes -hoodies (got 25+ at the mo, lmao), bikinis, hats, badges, etc... lol :oP
Your Fears: Heights and Moths
Your Perfect Pizza: Chicken Tikka Jalfrezi... mmmm!
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: To sort out my proper webshite
Thoughts First Waking Up: Feed the cat, It's shouting/attacking my feet.
Your Best Physical Feature: ? You tell me, lol ;D
Your Bedtime: Whenever I pass out
Your Most Missed Memory: Being on holiday with the family in Donegal, Ireland; and times with school friends.
Pepsi or Coke: Neither really, prefer fruit juice
MacDonalds or Burger King: None of the above!
Single or Group Dates: Single
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: What? Green Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee, too much, so it f**ks up my heart murmur!
Do you Smoke: What?
Do you Swear: Yes, who doesn't?
Do you Sing: Yes, mostly when I'm by myself though (or drunk)
Do you Shower Daily: Yes, well, apart from when I bath
Have you Been in Love: Yep, still am ;)
Do you want to go to College: Have done already
Do you want to get Married: Hmmmm, maybe, probably, don't know!
Do you belive in yourself: Yup, you have to don't you!
Do you get Motion Sickness: Not since childhood
Do you think you are Attractive: I don't think I'm unattractive
Are you a Health Freak: No, not a freak, lol
Do you get along with your Parents: Yes, definately, even went to a music festival the last three years with them! (& going again this year) :D
Do you like Thunderstorms: Yep, 'specially when it's warm & I'm outdoors
Do you play an Instrument: Nope -unless you count deck's- my sister's the musical one
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Of course
In the past month have you Smoked: Why?
In the past month have you been on Drugs: What? Who? Me? No, of course not! :P
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Been with Stu for 10yrs+, so no, not really!
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: No, but I've been to a shopping centre
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Nope
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Yes, a few times
In the past month have you been on Stage: No
In the past month have you been Dumped: Again, no, been wit Stu forever!
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Nope
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: No
Ever been Drunk: Silly question!
Ever been called a Tease: Not that I know of
Ever been Beaten up: Only once, at school
Ever Shoplifted: Nope
How do you want to Die: Naturally, by stopping breathing preferably, or by being hit in the head by a flying whale
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: As I am now, but older, working in the arts, happy
What country would you most like to Visit: Anywhere, Everywhere, lol. Eg. Corsica, Morrocco, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Thailand, etc etc ...the world basically :o)
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Anything except red
Favourite Hair Color: Dark
Short or Long Hair: Yes... long usually
Height: Yes
Weight: Yes
Best Clothing Style: What? Dressed most of the time ;D
Number of Drugs I have taken: That's a trick question isn't it?
Number of CDs I own: Many, at least 1200+, and then theres vinyl... (& a couple of suitcases of cassettes, lol, how old school)
Number of Piercings: Two, in my ears
Number of Tattoos: None, as yet, got plans though
Number of things in my Past I Regret: None seriously, it's not worth it :D

My Interests

Pictures, Music, Visual Arts, Festivals, Camping, Fun, Music, Literature, Dancing, Psychology, Colours, Nature, Travel, Hooded tops, Cooking, Cycling, Music, Drinking, Drawing, Outside, Photography, Fashion, General intoxication, Philosophy, Painting, Sitting on the floor, Charity Shops, Toymaking, Vintage clothes, Organic gardening, Patterned tights, Music, Hats, Maps, Badges, Comics, Architecture & design, Photoshoppery, Bikinis, Stripey things...

The sky...

.....sanddunes :o)

What I don't like...

Chronic migraine :o(

I'd like to meet:

Any like-minded, down to earth, open-minded creative individuals... and small woodland mammals; especially a tapir and the sky badgers. :D


Practically anything, for example; Saul Williams, Braintax, The Meters, Hadouken!, Bright Eyes, John Frusciante, K'Naan, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Yacht, Gorillaz, Klaxons, Benjamin Zephaniah, The Hoosiers, Aaron Spectre, Metronomy, The Prodigy,

Missy Elliot, Coldcut, Jamie T, Panic! At the Disco, Saian Supa Crew, UK Apachi, Chk Chk Chk (!!!), Herbaliser, Late of the Pier, Sickboy, 30 Seconds To Mars, Niyi, DJ Format, Lost Prophets, Lupe Fiasco, Daedelus, Spank Rock, Frank Zappa,

Squarepusher, Erycah Badu, Aphex Twin, Jean Grae, DJ Shadow, Vampire Weekend, Venetian Snares, Devendra Banhart, Lily Allen, Kings of Leon, Gang of Four, Aquasky, Fall Out Boy, Ziggy Marley, Damien Marley -and Bob of course,

Akira the Don, Knifehandchop, We are Scientists, Scooter, M.I.A., Ataxia, DJ Yoda, The Wombats, Cut La Roc, Beastie Boys, Tinariwen, Datatch'i, Midfield General, The Specials, Prefuse73, Bloc Party, Mark Ronson, Bong Ra, Dreadzone, Incubus, Outcast, Mr Scruff,

Maximo Park, Roots Manuva, Tom Vek, Lee 'Scratch' Perry, Jamie T, Mothboy, The Mars Volta, Jimi Hendrix, Ty, Spazmango, The Killers, Lady Sovereign, MGMT, Busdriver, Scotch Egg, Rancid, Biffy Clyro, Freq Nasty, ODB, New Young Pony Club, Hecate, Le Peuple de l'herbe,

The Roots, Beck, Killa Kela, Youngblood Brass Band, The Rapture, Snow Patrol, Lethal Bizzle, Santogold, Chemical Brothers, The Pharcyde, Kasabian, Kid 606, Wiley, Rage Against the Machine, Groove Armada, Chris Moss Acid, The Kooks, Shitmat,

Amadou and Mariam, The Subways, Miss Dynamite, Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band, Jurrasic 5, Shy Child, Producer Snafu, Nirvana, Scroobius Pip, Asian Dub Foundation, Leftfield, Sex Pistols, Miss Odd Kidd, Jack Johnsson, Timo Maas, Dan Le Sac, Toots and the Maytals, Nine Inch Nails,

Seu Gorge, Blind Melon, Faithless, Vincent Gallo, N*E*R*D*, Hard Fi, Rowdy Superstar, Bjork, Alan Titmash, Spearhead, Massive Attack, Rahzel, Willy Mason, Otto Von Schirach, Futureheads, Dizzee Rascal, Remarc, Nightmares on Wax, Estelle, Tricky, DJ Subliminal,

The Zutons, Freestylers, Bedouin Sound Clash, PJ Harvey, Fun Lovin' Criminals, Dead Prez, Shy FX, Reef, Does it Offend You, Yeah?, the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain, Aretha Franklin, Faith No More, Audioweb, Wu-Tang Clan, Basement Jaxx, One Self, Roni Size etc etc... (lol XD)


Pans Labyrinth, Requiem for a Dream, City of God, Buffalo 66, Kung Fu Hustle, Amores Perros, The City of Lost Children, Napolean Dynamite, Run Lola Run, La Haine, Troll 2, Blood; The Last Vampire, Bullet Boy, Little Otik, Freeway, Team America, 21 Grams, Paprika, Battle Royale, Dogma, May, Confessions of a Trickbaby, Versus, Basquiat, The Secret Adventures of Tom Thumb, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, The Devils Backbone,

Delicatessen, Martial Law:911:Rise of the Police State, Bowling for Columbine, The Crow, Planet Terror, Brown Bunny, Tale of Two Sisters, Farenheit 9/11, The Descent, House of the 1000 Corpses, Ghost in the Shell, Clockwork Orange, Graffiti Rock & Other Hip Hop Delights, Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, Mary Poppins, Natural Born Killers, Tank Girl & The Nightmare Before Christmas, amongst others.


I avoid it as much as possible; but when I do watch like things like social/political documentaries, music programmes, cartoons and comedy (Boosh! :D).


It would take me ages to list all of the specifics, but a few of my favourite authors are; Charles Bukowski, Paul.J.Watson, Benjamin Zephaniah, William Burroughs, Jack Kerouac, Douglas Coupland, Hunter.S.Thompson, Nietzsche, David Means, Patrick Neate, Kazuo Ishiguro, Kurt Vonnegut Jr, J.D.Sallinger, Charles Baudelaire, Dostoyevsky etc, and any books on Buddhism, anatomy, art, philosophy, architecture & design, infectious diseases (cell forms & things -they're pretty!), psychology, sociology/politics, and maps and things ...and graphic novels/comics :o)


The Legend Mr John Peel (R.I.P)
...der (not so) kleine Eisbär.
Siddhartha Gautama :o)
My Gran :o)
"Go Planet!"
"By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!"
Captain Planet, he's our hero Gonna take pollution down to zero
He's our powers magnified And he's fighting on the planet's side
Captain Planet, he's our hero Gonna take pollution down to zero
Gonna help him put asunder Bad guys who like to loot and plunder
"You'll pay for this Captain Planet!"
We're the Planeteers You can be one too 'Cause saving our planet is the thing to do!
Looting and polluting is not the way Hear what Captain Planet has to say!
"The Power is Yours!"
Partha Sarathi -loves him 'cause he saved my pc, lol =D

My Blog

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing...

In the words of !!!, Shit Sheise Merd. The decision by opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai to pull out of this week's presidential election in Zimbabwe is all too understandable. But a fecking shame.....
Posted by Laura on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 05:13:00 PST

I Fecking Llov You Lowlands!!! (^_^)

Awright Peoples, hope all's good with everyone.Behold!!! The amazing gradient of chillies!!!!!Did this daft quiz thing the other day -got via my cousin innit, hello Rachel! ;oPType in the following on...
Posted by Laura on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 08:49:00 PST

The Devil + 33.

WoOoOoOoOo!!! Checked the Lowlands line-up t'other day and the Hoosiers have been announced now, YAY! I'm quite happy about that -even if Irwin does (according to Stu) sing like Gran, lol... listening...
Posted by Laura on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 09:10:00 PST

Moose Dress.

Herro!!! Merry weekend to peoples first off  -still sooo behind on messages, many sorries about that -no excuses 'really, cept I've been working lots... and when I have been on the tinterwebs I'...
Posted by Laura on Fri, 30 May 2008 09:54:00 PST

A stapler in the shape of a tiny lion.

Oy Oy!!! Tis the season of tents!! Lol... just got a 'paint your own' one this morning, woohoo! Hahaha... Just need to figure out what to paint on it now, think something abstract... and possibly some...
Posted by Laura on Fri, 23 May 2008 07:20:00 PST

MacGooses Grocery!

Oi!!! How be peoples? Hope all's good! Camping last weekend was much fun, ended up on a different site to the usual one that we go to in the area, 'cause t'other one was closed with Peter & Jan be...
Posted by Laura on Sat, 17 May 2008 05:13:00 PST


Hello Again... just had to put a quick-ish post up here, 'cause I've got a teepee! Haha -been wanting one for ages and found this cheep yesterday, woohoo! Lol...Tis only a 2 man, but that's all we nee...
Posted by Laura on Fri, 09 May 2008 04:27:00 PST

Amanita Muscaria & Usually Just a T-Shirt.

Heya! Hope all's good with folks (^_^)Haven't been on here much lately, so Hello! Working on lots of projects at once at the mo so I've been really busy. On making another load of frames ready to stre...
Posted by Laura on Mon, 05 May 2008 06:35:00 PST

Platanista Gangetica!!! =D

Oy Oy!!! Hope all's good with peoples innit (^_^)I'm fooking great at the mo, tis my birthday next week, I'm not a lonely sailor (hahaha, listening to Dev, again) ...AND even better than that, the Man...
Posted by Laura on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 08:45:00 PST

Evil Reptile-Men from Venus!!!

Hellozzz Peoples!I’m back in English today, lol -although I’m now particularly fond of the words ’comadreja’ and ’cagúese’ (-even better when used together, haha), ...
Posted by Laura on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 10:04:00 PST