i made my way on to this earth via the birth canal, after many years of walking and talking like everyone else i decided, those actions to be quite drone, so i decided to start writting i was like 11 or 12 at the time and all i could thinkabout was how words are empowering, i mean i seen em everywhere and they got people so many things. . at that age it didnt take much to imress me, but i seemed to realize that my emotions i was holding back and not dealing with, were comming out in ways that were more violent than most would like.All through my life ive been somewhut tortured, my family has always been rather eccentric and has put me through my paces in life to get were i am today, most of wich were hinderences. Through high-school i developed my style as a more murderous and psycopathic medium to get across my anti social and rather malisious behavior, it was not long after i had been starting to mess around with my double tape deck with a microphone jack, recording demo tapes of freestyles and tracks i had written to date. that i realized my potential, and grew a taste for a ever growing hunger to which has surpassed my expectations today.
this takes us back to meeting aleph1ne, i used to go to mantcalm secondary school and right beside it there were these town-homes and one day my bois went to this house and i just went along cause we were mad pot heads too, neways i met this dude and instantly we started kickin it, and for a while i felt he was like some sort of mentor in my life , i felt like he gave me a world of knowledge that propelled me to a higher plane of existence. in some sence, he was very spiritual and my side mental being somwhut shifty and grimey, our style mesh together most fresh.
we progressed our styles and eventually aleph1ne moved up to vancouver with my boi esque. soo i started huslin and gettin into things that i dare not mention, mostly drugs, and enough mind bending expereince's to boggle one brain-box forever, and while i was stackin doh, i realized i needed to be out west , to have a fresh start ,and to take this dream to the next level, so i hopped a plane, and i got out to the california of canada, victoria bc, my bois were there to greet me with a blunt and many good wishes of the things to come.
for the next lil while i amassed a good number of beats and track but nothing that was catching my ears, so i opted to ugrade from software to hardware.
i was walkin with aleph when i needed something to drink, so i went into a macs a some dude left his wallet in there, since victoria's filled with rich people i didnt feel bad snatchin it, shortly after we were at longue and mcquaide this music store and i seen them, the beat machines that have made every beat ive evr loved in hip hop, so i started collecting drum machines and litlles pieces here and there, but when i got my mpc25oo i knew that evryother beatbox, groovestation or modual sucked ass, for whut i wanted to do.
so i started diggin and came to terms with a array of styles and techniques ive developed to make my beats unique and grimey, as well s keep the orriginal sound of the samples, as well as the feel of what i wanted them to portrey. and thus i give u PHOKEZ, tha beatsmith, tha wordsmith.
"whutever, i jus do whut do"-tim gouthro
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