Film and my boyfriend. In no particular order. And octopuses and squids! In that order. Animation like... Don Hertzfeldt and the Brothers Quay. Strange cinema. Stand-up comedians and talk show hosts. Horror art, gore... documentaries. Being high like alll the time.
Psychedelia... altered states. Interior decoration. Freedom of speech. Hemp and serial killers. Scrambled fetuses. Birth defects/ mental disorders. Cannibalism and CJD. Porn stars.
I like classic and psychedelic rock, bluegrass, electronica, industrial, goth rock, avant garde, novelty songs and ambient music. If it takes skill to play I usually appreciate it... I've been in youth orchestras and I've always liked classical music. I don't like songs with predictable structure like country and rap, hip hop etc.
*an exciting pictureful update to come*
My Flixster
Weeds, Mr. Show, Home Movies, antm, Ren and Stimpy, Masters of Horror, Futurama, Mission Hill, Clone High, 12 Oz Mouse, Cowboy Bebop, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Flight of the Conchords
Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Lolita, Infinite Jest, Invisible Monsters, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, A Farewell to Arms. I'm open to suggestions, but no one really likes reading anymore.