Robert Magness profile picture

Robert Magness

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a father of two and a husband of one. That cast of characters is as follows:
Mary-beautiful, supportive wife
Cecelia-3 year old with a wild streak
Kyra-1 year old that's got a temper like Bruce Banner
What's going on in the life of Robert. Right now, there's a good amount going. Firstly, I'm moving back to California from Ireland. Secondly...well, that was really it. There isn't much else going on than that. But that's a pretty big thing. It takes a lot to move those long expanses. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm also a bit nervous. Not to mention I don't like flying that much. Ironic since I wish I was Superman. It has nothing to do with any neurotic fears--except puking. I get airsick something fierce so I have to pump myself full of anti-nausea medicine.
So, I'm on my way back home. Mary and the girls will be following, hopefully, a month later. While I'm back I'll be hustling my rear end off to get a good job that I like. No more Real Estate or anything to distract me from my love: Film. I'll be taking the world by storm, so please feel free to drop by and lend a hand or just enjoy the whirlwind.
The best way to keep updated is my website. I try to update it as often as possible. I just did a major update. There are way more pictures of Cece, Kyra, Mary and even a few more of myself. The blog on that page is a good way to know what I'm up to. I even went as far as to put my very rough student films up there as well. It's worth a look.
So go already (after you're done taking a look here).

My Interests

1) Mary
2) Cecelia and Kyra
3) Movies
4) Books
5) Writing

I'd like to meet:

1) People.
2) Aliens.
3) Robots.
4) Friendly Apes.
5) Swashbuckling Pirates.
6) Superheros.
7) Nonchalant Outsider Antiheros with a Heart of Gold.
8) Picaresque Archetypes.
9) Friends from long ago.
10) Friends from tomorrow.


Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Janis Joplin, Wynton Marsalis, Benny Goodman, Theme from Greatest American Hero (damn thing never leaves my head), AC/DC, Superman Soundtrack, Star Wars soundtracks, Unbreakable soundtrack, The Kinks, White Stripes, Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots, Cake, Miles Davis, Offspring, The Last Starfighter soundtrack, David Bowie, Velvet Underground, Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Brahm, Tchaikovsky, Franz Ferdinand, James Brown, Louis Prima, Louis XIV, Eric Clapton, Eagles, Audioslave, Jon Brion, Snow Patrol, Cake, Tegan and Sara...and I have to admit, I can't help but like that "Milkshake" song, although that might be because of sweet asses moving to it and Ben Stiller's man boobs in "Dodgeball." Oh, and the list goes on.


Got a lifetime?
In no particular order:
Star Wars Trilogy (original), The Godfather, Indiana Jones, Evil Dead Trilogy, Get Shorty, Once Upon a Time in the West, the Man with No Name Trilogy, Pink Floyd's The Wall, Punch Drunk Love, Superman I and II, Batman (Burton's version), Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, BASEketball, The Adventures of Robin Hood (Errol Flynn), Casablanca, Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The Lord of the Rings, Captain Blood, The Sea Hawke, The Last Starfighter, Austin Powers part I, Memento, Unbreakable, The Sixth Sense, Hulk, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Lawrence of Arabia, The 39 Steps, North by Northwest, Vertigo, Psycho, The Big Lebowski, Vincent Price cheesy horror, Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead (original), Day of the Dead, Chrisopther Lee Dracula flicks, Aviator, Casino, Goodfellas, Mean Streets, Garden State, Million Dollar Baby, Things to Do In Denver When You're Dead me, this list never ends!


The Sopranos, The Office, Batman: Animated Series, Superman: Animated Series, Smallville season 1 and 2 and no more, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Firefly, Greatest American Hero, Quantum Leap, Adventures of Lois and Clark, Boston Legal, Deadwood, Firefly, Lost, 30 Rock, Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip, The Class, How I Met Your Mother, Spaced, Teachers.


The Giver, The Count of Monte Cristo, Happiness, most of Michael Crichton, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, 1984, Animal Farm, Peter Pan, Lord of the Rings, Superman For All Seasons, The Dark Knight Returns, Sin City, I, Claudius, Stranger in a Strange Land, Farenheit 451, The Martian Chronicles, The Illustrated Man, Dandelion Wine, Captain Blood, The Sea Hawk. Vince and Joy.

My Blog

Leavin on a Jet Plane

In a little more than a week I'll be back in sunny California. I don't really need the sunny adjective, do I? It's actually quit sunny here in Dublin--off and on with more frequent bouts of rain, bu...
Posted by Robert Magness on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 10:51:00 PST

The Untitled Magness Project

As many of you already know, through the several text messages I sent out, Mary went into labor early this morning.  She woke up around 1:30am in the middled of a contraction.  Of course, h...
Posted by Robert Magness on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 10:17:00 PST


Freakin' Lisa, caught me on this one.  Granted, it's been a while since she tagged me, but I'm getting around to it. The point of this game is to post 10 random things about yourself then "tag" t...
Posted by Robert Magness on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 02:26:00 PST

00 Nothing to 007

Funny what you learn when you read news websites.  At Incredible Adventures you can just about do anything.  Perhaps the most interesting ones to me are anything involving skydiving and any...
Posted by Robert Magness on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 12:14:00 PST

The Matrix (Beta)

Ladies and Gentlemen...the future of the web and how we will communicate.  I think MySpace is a grandfather, or great-grandfather, of this new Second Life.   First, it's not quite the Matrix...
Posted by Robert Magness on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 03:08:00 PST

The Perfect Wife

Last night I finally saw from beginning to end "It's a Wonderful Life." Think back to the last time you saw the film. Did you actually see if from beginning to end? Or did you catch it right after ...
Posted by Robert Magness on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 06:31:00 PST

Promenade of Sex

I would like to take you down memory lane. A Promenade of Sex, if you will. After all, isn't that night what it's really about?Here is starts with our first night, and our first time. You can tell ...
Posted by Robert Magness on Sat, 16 Dec 2006 08:39:00 PST

Can We Say "Split?"

I admit, I'm a movie and attention freak. I love movies; I like people paying attention to me. So, every morning I wake up and give my kid some love, kiss my wife and head straight for my lovely Mac...
Posted by Robert Magness on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 11:06:00 PST

Hokey Religions

Check out this link, there's some interesting stuff happening: movement has been successful enough to warrant England to recognize it as the fourth larges...
Posted by Robert Magness on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 08:44:00 PST


Reading through Variety's website this morning, I groaned at the news of another video game adapatation in the works: Castlevania.Anyone that knows me, knows that I should anticipate this film more th...
Posted by Robert Magness on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 09:15:00 PST