drawing/painting/screenprinting, improvement, pronoia/synchronicity, bliss, brain reprogramming, clearing debris, floods, tentacles, facial subtleties, secrets, sleep fortress, a filled fruit jar, peak oil and the total fuck storm industrial civilization is racing towards, records, bare feet, making breakfast, paisley, dissonant chords finding necks like nooses, sunlight, hash, taking the veil, the void, leaving, waiting
that rhythm, the rhythm, the rhythm has brought me peculiar things oh that rhythm, the rhythm, the rhythm has brought me peculiar days
right now, mostly soul, funk, blues and jazz, the music and sounds wafting up to my porch, mixtapes, orgasms
me and netflix are good buddies right now.
only when a good movie's on
Crowley, Robert Anton Wilson, Chris Hyatt, Tom Robbins, Terence McKenna, Richard Brautigan, Madeleine L'Engle, Jonathan Lethem, Philip K Dick, Frank Miller, Regardie, Lovecraft, old Time Life books, a zillion others