I get my layout from HTMLLive.com
"No Design, No Conception: Munen Muso- the ability to act calmly and naturally even in the face of danger. It is the highest accord with existence, when a man's word and his actions are spontaneously the same."
a footnote from "The Book of Five Rings."
Creativity, an endless mental query called on by many a nobel scholar and gentleman, as well as mindless beings of existence who hope to have at least one gear turn up there before their untimely demise. I have clandestine thoughts about apocalyptic, catastrophic events which can only be silenced by purchasing more guns until most regular mortals find me to be a bit eccentric. I've found that envy is the tax we all pay for what successes we have in life, I'm just trying to figure if such things can be written off the next time I do my taxes. There are many ways one could approach me but the most culminating of ways is to compliment me somehow. If you think the "Hi. You'll do." t shirt I'm wearing is among one of the most unrivaled and superlative senses of fashion you've ever seen, you can start there. If you think the bottle opener on the bottom of my sandals is cool, you'd be right. However I'd probably be correct in assuming that you can be entertained with a handful of shiny pebbles and a piece of string. I find artists, (you know people that go to loopy institutions of higher learning like Cal Arts and act fucking weird all the time) are among some of the most mentally stimulating people in the world. Of course, reason being they make me seem more accustomed to societal living whereas they appear to be more assimilated to a Mormon getting a lap dance. A type of social camouflage you might say.
Wow, do you really want to know more? Most people would've left by now. I use to be quite the hockey player in my youth, but I was also in honor band at one point in my life as well. So any delusions of grandeur I had about my sporting skills were immediately castrated by the fact that I sat around with a bunch of dorks and blew into a horn all day. I didn't really truly discover women until the 8th or 9th grade, but then I realized those weren't women, they were just life support systems for vaginas that I happen to have run into during social functions. This isn't to say that such chance meetings were met with ill-mannered doctrines of fidelity, because they certainly were not. All this of course happened after I gave up blowing into horns. I've since learned that there are in fact other types of lifeforms out there besides those that serve only to give vigor to a female genitalia and physical pleasure to a male. Enter, my girlfriend Corinne. It's funny when you attempt to juxtapose us together because, due to historical data we would appear like 3 different types of a puzzle in the same box, however every piece fits together congruently, imagine that. I still can't always believe it, but reality and time are the greatest schools of thought. This isn't the first relationship I've been in, merely just the first functioning one.
I'm trying to stick to a stringent diet right now before my hopefully inevitable entry into the police academy in Arizona. I've found a contemporary understanding that actually consuming "good" food will in turn, make you feel capital as well. So it's become pretty amusing to watch what happens as I still attend the gym and other locations to put a healthy strain on my body. Then to add insult to injury, I sometimes enjoying mass quantities of Jack Daniels pored into my face merely to see how drunk I can become and how many more friends I can attain by the night's end. During this fantastic voyage of no longer giving a fuck, I tend to light up cigarettes for my own selfish, euphoric pleasure while grasping on to my glass in my left hand which ultimately creates..."The DomMega." I coincidentally awake the next morning with business cards, phone numbers of lawyers, and no shoelaces.
Anything else you'd like to know I would just like to state, it wasn't me and feel free to consult my attorney.
Over 100 members and counting. Come see what we're about and join up. Just copy and paste the below text, the banner was no longer linking properly.
I have discounts on annual NRA memberships. If interested feel free to contact me.
And until I write up my response to the Virginia Tech incident and gun control in general, you can all watch some Penn & Teller to tide you over until then. This is their show "bullshit" and they do a great piece on the fallacy of gun control. Enjoy.