Howy B profile picture

Howy B

I am here for Networking

About Me

I learned to play drums when I was 10years old. I have quit the drums about 5 times in my life, so far. I taught my self to play guitar, Keybord, Bass, Harmonica. I have been writing songs on piano since 1984. I have played and recorded with the following Los Angeles rock bands: BLIND MELLON - UNDERSEA WORLD - AGNUS GOOCH - THE FUDGE FACTORY INC. - STARFLOWER HIGHWAY - JAGGLEHEAD - THE NATHAN PAYNE BAND - THE GLASS GRENADES - SWIM - and more. Until reciently, I ran Los Angeles Night clubs for about 15 years, starting with S A N I T A R I U M after hours in 1990 with Bret Cantor (RIP) followed by: DRAGONFLY 5yrs - THE JOINT - THE MARTINI LOUNGE - THE GARAGE - ZEN SUSHI - LUSH - El CID and more. I used to paint huge canvases then tear them apart and sew them back together again with leather lace. Now I use computers to simulate a varity of the human art forms I am in art college. Click my pictures, I put some artwork up there to show a brief example of what I do now. I really hate cars. If I can be a part of designing a new form of people moveing, that eliminates the need for the primitive car, then my mission on earth will be done. I love animals. I have dislexia. I am part Cherokee Indian & Irish/Scotish. Thats why I love good whiskey. Google me. The only thing you will find is a article about the untimely overdose of Shannon Hoon, band mate and at one time my best friend. LOOK! I SAID ALOT OF REALLY NICE THINGS IN THAT INTERVIEW WITH ROLLINGSTONE MAGAZINE! but nobody wants to read the good things anymore. I kicked out the lead singer of my band (we where called The Glass Grenades we use to play that song no rain with a girl singer, Lisa Flowers) b4 Axel Rose dropped Shannon off at my studio in 89. WE auditioned alot of lead singers b4 Shannon. With in 3 weeks of shannon's membership to Blind mellon, We "as a band" were being approched and dinned By multipal major lables. 3 days b4 the showcase at cole studios, Howy Boschan recieved a head trauma. (Car accident I guess?) that got him kicked out. So I got squat! not even a thanks for being our first drummer in L.A. Or co writer for like half of the first album ( I got paid %5 of one song, the lawer told me one thing and I signed another) when I complained, Shannon told me on speaker-phone with every one present "If you got a problem with it, you will have to sew us! and we have big attorneys, and we will say "YOU WERE NEVER IN THE BAND ha ha ha." I was totally fucking pissed off for like 3years. Then he died, and I felt bad. As far as I can see The guys pretty much f-ed me big time. Thats the 80's. I was a mess, before and after the accident! mostly after the T-Bone! I still have three songs that we "as a band" recorded on Brads reel to reel tascam 4 track. If you want to hear some crazy hot recordings of Blind Mellon in 89? With a drummer? ME! Just ask. I will send you a music file to your e-mail for free. If you want to hear some totally killer new Blind Mellon (that I had nothing to do with ) Check out my space unsigned artist they are in there. I hope there are no hard feelings regarding past experiences, and hope we can unite again in the common cause. To create more good art.and that goes for all of you earthlings.If you want to hear my new band check out UNDERSEA WORLD in my friends.
Howy B wants you to check out a photo on MySpace in the Graphic Art album

the exaust pipe is the air conditioner. This car can charge its own air tanks in 5 hrs of plugged in to the wall it will charge in 2 hrs, that = 400 miles! for nothing!

My Interests

snorkleing, boogie-boarding, surfing, kayaking, water-sking, spear- fishing, aquariums, cave tubeing, cliff diving, surf parks, water-slide, jet ski's, wind surfing, beach blanket bingo.

I'd like to meet:



yes please.


net flicks


kcet or pbs and comics unleashed cable flight of the concords, david chepple show, dead wood, arrested development,


I have dislexia but I am a great listener



My Blog

Eat shit and die?

Yo Yo Yo!  Don't eat the Tomatoes OK so I have been doing a little research and I am sick and tired of all this media over sensationalizing minor crap! To protect the fast food industries!  ...
Posted by Howy B on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 11:26:00 PST

Part Two

The Age (Melbourne, Australia)writes:..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />   "Professor Nick Low, Director of the Australasian Centre for Governance and Manage...
Posted by Howy B on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 09:32:00 PST

Bicycle lifestyle

..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />          Rolling into Future on the Wheels of ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-c...
Posted by Howy B on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 09:34:00 PST