Motorcycles, movies, music (especially gospel), coloring (for the kid in me), food (when i have the time to eat), SINGING and DANCING (and no, you will NOT catch me in the club), and volunteering for a youth camp called elevate put on every year by Pastor Chad (CJ) at Pilgrim Rest (PHX). Wanna see the highlights? TIME TO ELEVATE (again)!!!!!!!
In order to really take control over the things that try to kill you in life, you must first conquer it from within your mind. The only time you've lost the battle, is when you no longer pick up your weapons and fight. Eph 6:12 states that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. So how do you fight? By girding yourself (getting dressed) with Eph 6:10-17 everyday, and using your weapons of warfare (the Word of God, the blood and the name of Yeshua). But the most powerful weapon that we possess and don't even realize is the one that's easiest to use...and that's our PRAISE and WORSHIP!!! Youth, i dare you to shift the atmosphere in your homes when your parents are acting crazy. Walk in the room and start singing your favorite praise song from your heart and watch the Lord shift everything. NO MORE ARGUMENTS, BADMOUTHING, AND TALKIN' BACK!!! (besides, i'm tired of seeing you guys gettin', but for real,) 2Cor 10:3 states for though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and WE ARE taking every THOUGHT captive to the obedience of Christ. YOUTH, IT'S TIME TO WAR!!!!!!! 2 Tim 2:3&4=Elevate! Ok, now for those wondering...YES i'm normal. Very much so. I am human too, i just choose to love and live my life alot differently than most. I'm probably one of the shortest people you'll ever meet, and one of the Happiest. Take care and Yah bless ALL of you (including the ones who don't bother reading this....LOL)
WOW, you're asking the psalmist what kind of music she likes. I LOVE intense Worship (and i listen to gospel lol). Some favorites are SHEKINAH GLORY, ISREAL and New Breed, DARWIN HOBBS, MICAH STAMPLEY, William Murphy, Judy Mcallister, Byron Cage, Vickie Yohe, Echoing Angels, Chris Tomlin, Jeremy Camp, Casting Crowns, Mercy Me, Rush of fools, Vineyard, Mark Schultz, Hillsongs, Michael Gungor (and his wife), Richie Righteous, and...and... do I really need to go on?... Let's just say I have an extensive library. I LLLLOOOVVE MUSIC.
Don't really wanna go there right now. There's so many, i cannot possibly list them. But i'm the star of this film.
TV? What's that? Oh, that thing you watch when you have time. Nope, i don't watch it unless it's on in the salon! and even then, it's usually the news.
Bible, Dancing into the Anointing, The Power of Praise and Worship, God's Armour Bearer, BattleCry for the Nations Youth, Strongman, Pigs in the Parlor, The Threshing Floor, Woman Thou Art Loosed, No More Sheets, The Final Quest, Mechanics of Intercession, EXpressions-book of Poems (written by me), MY LIFE (literally, look for it soon in a bookstore near you), Spiritual Warfare, The Holy Spirit and His Gifts, Flaming Sword, Raising Prophetic Children, Musicians handbook for deliverance, and many more.....I'm actually liking this reading thing.
God- who watches me daily and loves and has loved me continually and makes His face to shine upon me, the Holy Spirit- who orders my steps and protects me, and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ- who rescues me, redeems me and restores my soul. Thank you for being the perfect sacrifice.