Gimme a sec here. The pack rat has to organize things first.
I thank Steve for this game.
Punk rock roots with a growing country music library. Hey, if you worked at a bar with a Country/Rock Jukebox, you'd quickly convert too. Otherwise I run the gambit. Don't like alliance to niches of music, If I like it, end of the story, don't care about the rest of the lines in the sand. I like the Misfits, Ramones, Motorhead, Horrorpops, Cash,Pearl Jam, U2, Chilli Peppers, Dave Mathews,System of a Down, Real Big Fish, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, The Donnas etc.
Bring it, my friends around town know my as the one man Blockbuster, so, seen quite a few dandy films. I enjoy my Sci-fi/Horror and Stanley Kubrick. I tend to see fewer movies in the theatre and just get them for home. Wide range of silly stuff.
Quit the T.V., even smashed and lit the soul sucking box of doom on fire and dumped it like a mob hit. Prior to that, I rather fancied the Law and Orders, CSI, Monster House, Mythbusters, Robot Chicken, Family Guy, Lost, 24, Harvey Birdman, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, Buffy, Angel, Serenity, Smallville, West Wing, ER, All the Wrestling, and On Demand services. I sorta consider myself a recovering television addict.
Comic Books, nuff said. The rest comes based on my mood, and no, I don't read obscure modern frech political philosphers and underground one novel hipster poli-fiction whining introspection about daddy's absent love. I like factoid books and good old fashion war biographies. Plus random books like "why do men have nipples" and "If chins could kill" by Bruce Campbell. Fiction I listen to on CD when I drive, Star wars novels and Dan Brown are good like that.
Mommy Howle, Page Howle, Yvonne Pinckney, The Pinckney Fam., Guido Larson, George Arthur, Lisa Warren,Jim Henson, JFK, Cash, Rollins, Kubrick, and the Green Lantern suckas.