Rock climbing, camping, backpacking, hiking, anything with water, that goes over 200 mph, movies, music, tv
You Belong in London
You belong in London, but you belong in many cities... Hong Kong, San Francisco, Sidney. You fit in almost anywhere.
And London is diverse and international enough to satisfy many of your tastes. From curry to Shakespeare, London (almost) has it all!
What European City Do You Belong In?
Who I'd like to meet: Guys and Gals, Friends...Hot Lovers...Advice Columist(everyone needs help) YEah(Rick JAmes Bitch) uhhh.....yeah done with that one
I love mostly everything except (heavy metal, most country, and heavy rap)
Love them ALL
Survivor, Amazing race, stargate sg-1, stargate atlantis, battlestar galactica, family guy, simpsons etc
If only I had time to read
The men and women I serve along side with and those before me.