My interests are photography, reading, drawing, working out, writing (though I haven't made time for that in a while), and hanging out with my husband and/or friends.
I don't really have anyone I'd like to meet at the moment I suppose. No one is inspiring me right now. Isn't that sad?View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
NICKEL CREEK!!! Madonna, Gwen Stefani, U2, The Fray, Dave Matthews Band, Phil Collins, Jack Johnson, U2, Franz Ferdinand, The Killers, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Sting, AC/DC, some Ozzy, Coldplay, The Streets, Bob Marley, Ziggy Marley, Led Zepplin, Def Leppard, The Eagles, Steve Miller Band, Supertramp, Bob Dylan, and much more that i'll add later!
Singing In The Rain, Casablanca, It's a Wonderful Life, Batman Begins, the Green Mile, Enemy at the Gates, Mallrats, Clerks, almost all Disney animated(Lion King is IT!), Swiss Family Robinson, Awakenings, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Star Wars, Chronicles of Narnia, Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail, Muppet Movies, Count of Monte Christo, Rob Roy, Braveheart, Rudy, Serenity, Road to Perdition. Oh! And Harry the Harry Potter.
I have always loved reading ever since I learned how to! My favorite types of books are usually classics like To Kill A Mockingbird (all-time favorite!), The Old Man and the Sea, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (and pretty much anything by Mark Twain), The Chronicles of Narnia (one of the best collection of children's stories, right up there with Winnie-the-Pooh! :D ), 1984, and I love Ernest Hemingway Short Stories and poems by Robert Frost! I also like some fantasy stuff like the Inheritance series and The Pellinor series. There's really too many books I enjoy to keep going on like this, but you get the picture! :) Oh! And Harry the Harry Potter.
None at the moment