Well....I am having quite a time over here. Last month I started having headaches and felt like I was having rapid heartbeat and was having a lot of light sensitivity, I called the doctor and they tol... Posted by .KELLY LEE. on Thu, 18 Sep 2008 11:50:00 PST |
AnnaBella. |
The past month has been pretty long...was in the hospital twice. Once for food poisoning, which was just ridiculous.(ahem..cantina on 2nd street)... And then last week for, well I don't know what yet.... Posted by .KELLY LEE. on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 06:39:00 PST |
7 months. |
Ughhhhhhhhh. Well.... everything I have read about pregnancy is true. Totally true. Everything I have ever read says the first trimester will be pretty much was...It said that the second ... Posted by .KELLY LEE. on Wed, 16 Jul 2008 07:51:00 PST |
Severe Boredom. |
Do you watch the daily news?-Usually, or I go to'm a nerd.Whats your favorite radio station?-Don't really have one...but 95.7 is usually pretty kick ass.Whats your perfume of choice?-Vers... Posted by .KELLY LEE. on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 07:28:00 PST |
Girl! |
So, it is a girl...We found out last week, but I haven't had time to write about it...and I was waiting for my new scanner to come in the mail to post pics of her! She might be the cutest fetus in the... Posted by .KELLY LEE. on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 07:31:00 PST |
Some Reflection.. |
Well, with all this free time on my hands, my lil ass has lots of thinking, reflecting,appreciating to do. I have to say that right now my life is the best it has ever ever ever been. I am a really l... Posted by .KELLY LEE. on Tue, 20 May 2008 07:07:00 PST |
Half Way. |
Phewww.. So I am half way I was miserable the first few months, but am better now! Time has just been flying by! I hope the next 4 months go by just as quick! Went to the doctor a few weeks... Posted by .KELLY LEE. on Sun, 18 May 2008 07:54:00 PST |
Yeah... |
I am finding this really cute right about now...4 months ago I would have thought it was the cheesiest thing ever...ahhh..times change.... Posted by .KELLY LEE. on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 06:54:00 PST |
Scarves. |
Yeah, I am making a blog about scarves. I am really sick of seeing this's everywhere! Now, in the winter it was a little more understandable,uhhh because it was cold? Why do I see idiots we... Posted by .KELLY LEE. on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 09:39:00 PST |
Names. |
So Pat and I have been going through names since we found out..and although we agree on a few, he hates a few of the ones I love. He thinks a lot of them are stripper names...and I say, yes, a strippe... Posted by .KELLY LEE. on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 11:04:00 PST |