About Me
I think its gay to sit here and write a bunch of shit about my self, "where can i start?"
I'm very private, I'm reserved I blabber a whole lot of nothing but I don't like anyone to know anything, probably its because my whole life keeps changing and changing and changing.
I could say whatever I want about myself, but really, "what does that really say about me?"
"If i wanna to talk about my self would'nt I have joined match.com?" whatever.
I can say that I want positive people in my life- but I suppose everyone does.
Because I'm sure none of us really go out looking for negative people, on the contrary we pick and choose nice people and surely we get fucked.
They say thats the way it goes down but realisticly I know I can't get used to it, and its been happening for years in my lifetime.
But the only thing I know for sure whether i want to admit it or not is to believe in a higher force. Thats usually my drive, I'm more spiritual then i want to be- and thats just me. And I'm modern and also very old fashion.
You can say I pick and choose what suits me, what goes with me and what I think is right.
But however that goes for everyone else,and of course its different and so once again of course i butt heads with alot of people and so the only thing I know is "I hate being lonely and that always makes me angry." and I'm a smart alek once in a blue fucken moon after you talked all this shit in my face and bringing me down all them times, but thats one thing I have at fault that nobody seems to compare to or understand, you are difinatly very much soo capable of backstabing me and being cruel to me while we are befriended in company.
Its not fair to me but thats just a problem I've been in forever, but one thing I have that others lack, is virtue,and pain for gain, I make these extreme bets with my life where I bet my ass on it that it'll be my way someday one way or another and after fucken everything,"
I have heart for my family but you can see for yourself with your very own too eyes that I'm detached and that I'm the little black sheep of the family.
I collect dolls, and now rare purses, to me they are not just dolls or purses they provide imagination.
If you and I talked about why my stuff is cooler than any other doll or purse you knew then we would come to agree that my shit is better then most.
So I like that and I like pink, it drives me crazy, I just loving wearing pink. Boyfriends. steady ones, macho ones, I love having a steady boyfriend, burning passion, outrages phone calls, I love calling out from work, I love Impulsive hangouts.
I love making rules, I have a ton of them- I'm serious!!, I love the Pope oh my God I love all the popes.
I love catholocism, I love the rosary, i love the apostles creed, i love home made cultural cakes, I love NONO more then anyone in the galaxy, words could'nt describe. I love gay people, I LOVE TALKING SHIT!!LOL!! I love my neices because they are cool to hang out with and I love myspace because it helps me keep in touch with my family.
I love morrissey, I love trance, I love industrial.
No i am not die hard raving or raving of any sort but i just simply enjoying being spacey moods, lost in melody.
I love my country U.S.A.(ok now its starting to get ridiculous)I love my own earned money but I enjoy someone elses as well,,hehe.No but really i do love my own money and i think its vital to my heart to help the poor but really that extent only goes so far.
To me money is a figment of our imagination. its over rated its stolen, its lost, its control, evil, misused, and can properly be used, can save starving people, make us back stab one another and use one another.
I call it creepy money, it never saved my life, it was only someones lending hand that went a long way, and that common courtesy is free.
But nobody wants to give it, because they were probably sucked the life out of by money, fuck money,its disturbing, its so petty to dream about it- but really i mean it, its sad when i see people flaunt it or fight for it. It would only ruin somebodys fragile mind or good spirit.
I hate chores.I hate my mom scolding me infront of her sisters.I hate tickets, (they make me doubt myself for weeks.)I hate kitty litter.I hate uneducated catholicism.I hate saying "peace be with you" at church.I hate staying up late.I hate it when people are mean.I hate other authorities.I hate it when people dont say excuse me.I hate it when people don't check their voicemails (even though i dont check mine.)I hate it when people are unfriendly.I hate it when my family wont take care of their health.I hate overindulging.I hate overprice ice creamfrom the icecream truck.I hate salty crackers.I hate liver.I hate soggy cereal.I hate downtown one ways.I hate los angeles beaches.I hate canned menudo soup.i fucken love CHARMMY KITTY!!!!!
Myspace Layouts♪♪♫ I ♥ No-No. ♪♪♫♫