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sean. summer. laughing. driving. love. friends. bdobo. fun. mayfaire. ben & jerry's. tans. jack johnson. the soapbox. taco bell. lola carmen and sammy. porch swings. memories. chocolate milk. learning spanish. flip flops. reggae. sunsets. randomness. beach cruisers. jungle rapids. good books. friday nights. pink. unexpected gifts. parents. being goofy. photographs. futurama. margaritas. rue 21. making a complete fool of myself. thunderstorms. free stuff. the beach--especially at night. expensive ass restaurants. bubble baths. smoothies. incense. yadayadayada.
if you feel discouraged
that there's a lack of color here
please don't worry lover
it's really bursting at the seams
for absorbing everything
the spectrum's a to z
this is fact not fiction
for the first time in years