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The Good , the bad and the ugly - A survey of your life by el_tino
* So basically.. *
Name?: Kaos
Age?: 27
Sex?: As Much As Possible
Birth Date?: Seven Twentyfive Seventy Nine
Hair Color?: Black
Eye Color?: Brown
Height?: 6 feet
Weight?: 150 lbs.
Body Type?: Slim
Piercings?: Ear and Tongue
Tattoos?: None Yet
What are you wearing right now?: Shorts and a T-Shirt
What is your hairstyle at the moment?: Low-cut
* Favorites *
Soda?: Sprite or Sierra Mist
Food?: Seafood
Drinks?: Jose Cuervo
Alcoholic drink?: Jose Cuervo
Time of day?: Late Night
Season?: WInter
Day of the week?: Friday
Song at the moment?: What Hurts The Most By Rascel Flatts
Band/artist?: Evanescence
Book?: Anything By Stephen King
Subject in school?: Science
Place in the USA?: Cali
Place outside the USA?: Amsterdam
Color?: Black/Blue
Style of clothes?: Prep or Casual
Store?: Gamestop/Best Buy
Mall?: Potomac Mills
City?: D.C.
Magazine?: PC World
Kind of pet?: Cats
* Worst *
Place to be?: A Dark Alley
Class in school?: Math
Time of day?: Morning
Season?: Spring
Kind of pet?: Mice
Drink?: Jagermiester
Food?: Liver and Onions
Mall?: City Place in Silver Spring,MD
Store?: Any Hardware Store
Style of clothes?: Formal
Celebrity?: Kevin Federline
Color?: Orange
Book?: IDK
Type of music?: Its A Toss Up Between Rap and GoGo
Website?: Can't Think Of One
Magazine?: Fishing Digest
* Daily Life *
When do you get up?: When Ever I Get Up
What is your first thought?: What The Fuck Was That Dream About?
What do you do first?: Brush My Teeth
What is your usual outfit?: Jeans and A T-shirt
What is your first class of the day?: I'm Doing A Self Taught Computer Cerification
When does school end?: When I Pass The A+ Exam
Do you see your friends?: I Have No Friends
What do you do when you get home?: Eat
What time do you go to bed?: When I Fall Asleep
* Do you... *
Brush your teeth daily?: Of Course
Brush your hair daily?: Got To
Shower daily?: Duh
Sing?: Uhh, No
Dance?: Sometimes
Party?: Not In A While
Get drunk?: As Much As Possible
Have sex?: S/A
Read books?: My Exam Book
Listen to music a lot?: Everyday
Read magazines?: Sometimes
Go online a lot?: Everyday
Have a religion?: Yes I Do
Have an iPod?: Nope
Want an iPod?: Sure If Its Free
Have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: I'm Not Sure
Play an instrument?: Saxophone
Get sick a lot?: Not Really
Watch TV?: Yeah
Like MTV?: Hell Yeah
Like VH1?: A Small Doses
Like the History Channel?: It's Cool Sometimes
Have digital cable?: Not Right Now
Have more than 500 channels on your TV?: No. (Who Needs 500 Channels?)
Listen to the radio?: Radio Sucks
Still use your CD player?: Nope
Stalk people?: I Don't Think So
Have more than 200 buddies in your buddy list?: Nope
Have dial-up internet?: Dial-Up Is For Idiots
Have AOL?: Not Right Now
Know HTML?: A Little
Have a GPA higher than 3.9?: No But I Was Close
Do well in honors classes?: Didn't Take Them
* Music *
Do you listen to rap?: In Very Small Doses
R & B?: Yeah When I'm Trying To Be Mellow
Blues and/or Jazz?: Yup
Classical?: Yes. Very Soothing
Pop?: All The Time
Country?: It's Ok
Emo/Screamo?: It's Ok. When The Mood Is Right
Heavy Metal?: Sure
Christian?: Not That Often
Techno?: My Favorite Genre
Reggae?: Not To Much
Broadway Musical Songs?: Uh, I Really Don't Think So
Oldies?: Sometimes
* In a boyfriend/girlfriend *
Hair color?: No Preferance
Eye color?: No Preferance
Tattoos?: Tattoos Are Ok
Piercings?: Sure
Favorite Music?: Thats Her Choice
Style of clothing?: Raver Chic or Casual
Body type?: No Preferance(No Shamu's Though)
Personality or looks?: Personality
Would you go out with someone just for their money?: Probably
Do you go on "Pity Dates"?: I Never Have
Does size matter?: Size? Whose Size?
Do they have to be popular?: Not Realy
Does the guy ask the girl out or the other way around?: Both Ways
Where do you go on the first date?: Depends On Who I Am Going With
Kiss on the first date?: Sure
Sex on the first date?: If The Mood Is Right
* Right Now *
Do you think you look good right now?: I Could Use A Shave, but Other Then That, Yes
Are you eating something?: Nope
Are you drinking something?: I Wish
Are you IMing anyone?: Brittanie
Are you talking on the phone with someone?: Nope
Are you talking face-to-face with someone?: Nope
What are you listening to?: DJ Dara
What are you watching on TV?: Poker After Dark
What other websites do you have open?: MSN, Frenzy,Myspace
* What do you believe? *
Do you believe in ghosts?: Yes
The afterlife?: Yes
Aliens?: Yes
God?: Yes
The devil?: Yes
Heaven?: Yes
Hell?: Yes
Scientology?: Huh?
Hinduism?: Not My Choice
Buddhism?: Whatever Floats Your Boat
Christianity?: Yes
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Right now i'm only interested in meeting friends. It wouldn't be fair for me to get in a relationship right now. Part of me still belongs to another.
Myspace Layouts
Family Guy, Monday Night Raw, Smackdown, ECW on SCI-FI Network, TNA Impact, Will and Grace, Days of our Lives.
I am in to Stephen King now. I've gotten a little dark lately.