hello my name is travis for those who dont know me i have been a very very selfish person my hole life. i have never thought about peoples feelings, never thought the problems in my life where my fault, but man on man i know now. i have had the most amazing, faithful, good hearted girlfriend in my life named sheree who has all ways stuck by me all ways forgave my mistakes and i have all ways loved her to death more them my own life. but i all ways seem to mess up. and we would work through it i evan asked her to marry me. but i messed up like all ways. and so now i am on a mission to find out what is wrong with me and fix anything i can to be the person she thought i was because i cant loose her she is my all my better half what makes my heart beat. so i am on a waiting list to go get treatment and i will be gone for about a week and a half. then i am going to counsling for me then with her if she can stand to forgive me one more time, and most importantly taking a parenting class becasue i love the 2 beautiul kids as much as i love her. so for those who do know me and i have disappointed you i am sorry but you will see a diffrent me. " wish me luck "
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