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People.good ones.
EVERYTHING and unlike some people, I do mean EVERYTHING!
I AM A MOVIE FANANATIC!!!!!!!!! Action, Horror, Suspense, Drama, Comedy, Love, EPICS!!! Movies were not made to be analyzed and criticized, they were meant to be felt. I hate people who just sit and watch movies. You have to experience them, and allow them to conjure up emotions in yourself. With all the different emotions in the world it is good to have so many movies.
MINE!, Bushido, World War Z, Romance of the three kingdoms, Mythology, S.D. perry, and the Zombie Survival Guide!!!!
Wow, never thought about it before but definitly I'd have to say, My friends, Ghandi, Buddha, Jesus, Aristotle, Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong, Socrates, Mr Hoke, Ms. Antwan, and the guy who made the little giant ladder and all the RBG's