real estate, drinking scotch, eating breakfast sandwiches, soul glow, rockland pizza,
some awsome peeps
faith no more, bloodlet, floor,sunny day real estate, torche, isis, kyuss, Portishead, robots and empire,clutch, into another,burn, gza, coalesce, kiss, lovage, high on fire, the roots, supermachiner, sleep, quicksand,deadguy, RA the rugged man, the juliana theory,corpus dei, crown of thornz, pocket dwellers, overcast, ink and dagger, his hero is gone, you and i, hot water music, pink floyd, hank williams the 3rd, i like a bunch of stuff dont really feel like typing anymore
Mutha Fuckin DIE HARD!!!Fletch,fletch lives,total recall, caddy shack 1 and 2,lost highway, cannibal the musical, cemetary man, night of the creeps, night of the demons(1-3) night of the livign dead, return of the living dead(only 1), used cars, brewsters millions, moving, field of dreams, hustle and flow(best movie ever), airheads, the burbs, the halloween series(except for part 3, h20, and the newsest one), the warriors, videodrome, mad max beyond thunderdome, gleaming the cube, point break, the police academy series,v(the one about lizards/aliens), remote control, robin hood prince of theives,v for vendetta, dodgeball, uhf, wearwolves of wheels(thank you club diablo), who's harry crumm, summer rental,natioal lampoons vacation& chrismas vacation,history of the world part 1, SNAKES ON A MUTHA FUCKIN PLANE
Nip tuck, the Soprano's, dawsons creek, 21 jump street, the scooby doo movies(the ones with the guest stars)the maury show,myth busters, real sex 76,cops in buffalo,food shows, shows about the rocky mountains
anything for dummies
Tone X