Lacy Hundies... profile picture

Lacy Hundies...

The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the sa

About Me

Vintage furniture,books,cameras...Malbec and Bordeaux...films and the process of making them...traveling to eastern block countries, actually traveling in general...Art history

My Interests

Muscle cars('72 Plymouth Dusters,'69 Chevy Novas) festivals...getting inked up...hanging out with my 16 yr old sister, shes way cooler than you...being socially awkward...loving unwanted dogs and kitties...using lumberjacks,brass knuckles,deer heads,and lawn gnomes as forms of humor.


Motley Crue...Joy Division...Radiohead...GNR... Pantera... anything with Chris Cornell... Converge...Martyr Ad...High on Fire...The Smiths...Jeff Buckley...Taking Back Sunday...Brand New...The Cure...10cc...Air...The Moldy Peaches...Chet Baker...Johnny Lee Hooker...Etta James...French lounge music aka Edith Piaf


National Geographic...House...Ghost hunters...It's Always Sunny in Phili...nip/tuck...The Alaska Experiment


Brett Easton Ellis novels...My Antonia...The Virgin Suicides...The Hottest State...The Orestia...Wuthering Heights...Delta Venus...Books about how to make films, film theory, ect.


My Grandfather, "Bud" Roberts