My darling wife and kids, (too much) television, Kustom Kulture, Underground Comix, painting, life drawing, ROCK!, tatooing, movies, fine food, Vintage industrial furniture, The Internet(s)
Rockers, Punks, smart folks, old friends, art patrons, Democrats, Artists, other parents of multiples, funny people, Eighties children, Recovering Catholics, and Repentant Rush fans.
Pixies, Old 97's, DEVO, Morphine, Johnny Cash, Fishnet Stalkers, The Clash, Stones, The Police, Tom Waits, Velvet Underground, Beatles, Dead Kennedys, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Early V-H, Peter Gabriel, Earth-Wind-and-Fire, Miracle Legion, De La Soul, James Brown, Chelsea Graveyard, Husker Du, Cake, Willie Nelson, Wire, Soul Coughing, 'Auntie Re-Re', WEEN, Thel. Monk, Replacements, Bowie, The TomBs, Supersuckers, Coldplay, Los Lobos, Patsy Cline, Frank Black, Mission of Burma, Sonic Youth, BR549, Frank Sinatra, Pretenders, Helmet, Shellac, Buzzcocks, Jonathan Richman, Buena Vista Soc. Club, Rye Coalition, Hendrix, John Zorn, Frank Zappa, Sly Stone, The Black Keys, The Church, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Camper Van Beethoven, Beck, CCR, Brubeck, Elvis Costello, The Who, Neil Young, Public Enemy, R.E.M., Upper Crust, Pere Ubu, Dirtbombs, Thee Michelle Gun Elephant, Capt. Beefheart, Marvin Gaye, U2, Bjork, Joe Jackson
Star Wars, Raiders, Knocked Up, Wedding Crashers, Shrek, PIXAR films, Pulp Fiction, Scorscese crime pics., 007 flicks, Time Bandits, LOTR, Repo Man, Blues Brothers, Coen Bros. films
Battlestar Galactica, The Wire, Heroes, The Office, Mad Men. And lots of NOGGIN: Dora, Diego, Backyardigans, Wonderpets
Taschen titles, Kavalier and Klay, Harry Potter series, Vonnegut, The Lovely Bones