Musical theatre :), Theatre, Gigging, drumming, singing, and more creative stuff
OOO Barker, Ewam McGregor, John Frusciante (all of the RHCP's for that matter) Deven May, Cast of Rent :P, Nyone who's cool :)
ooo um.
Blink 182, Greenday, Taking back Sunday, The used, Good Charlotte, Red hot chili peppers, Led Zepperlin, Bowling for soup, Sex Pistols, Box Car Racer, The Transplants, Sum 41, Alterbridge, Anti Meridian(local band), My Chemical Romance, Billy Tallent, Murderdolls, Feeder, Queen,, Jimmy eat World, Ash, Franz Ferdinand, Eminem, Bard New, New Found Glory, System of a Down, Jet, loads more just can't think at the mo
Which random blink-182 lyric are you?
Favourite Color
Your lyric is: We really need/to/see this through, we never wanted to be abused, we'll never give up/It's no use/If we're FUCKED UP, you're to blame ~the anthem pt.2
This Quiz by Chika_aori - Taken 1225 Times.
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The Producers, Little Shop of Horrors, RENT
Dr Who :D
....Horrow, thriller, adventur books, LOTR, Harry Potter, Scar Tissue