<3 If i tried Loving you...Would you stop me?&a profile picture

&lt;3 If i tried Loving you...Would you stop me?&a

I will shield you from harm, Come spend your life on my arm.

About Me

Hey pps, Names Andy *Yo!* I'm 18, from Burnley and life is ok...could be better. Just to let you all know, I ain't perfect in who I am or how I look, I make mistakes some big some small, but I always try to help people out, even if sometimes I'd like to be centre of attention I do know when attention is needed else were. I ain't a typical lad. I don't smoke, don't drink, I hate football, cars don't interest. I enjoy the theatre, watching bands, musicals. I'm an Actor I also sing and try to dance (still working on that one) and I also drum, me and a few friends are startin up a new band so I'll keep ya posted. My pics ain't good at all. And if u've got to this point I thank you for reading my profile :). Any Questions don't hesitiate to msg me. xxx
Name: Andrew McKenn
Birthdate: 19/7/88
Birthplace: Burnley General Hospital
Current Location: My house
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5"11
Weight: 10 stone I think
Piercings: none
Tatoos: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: nope :(
Overused Phraze: what-ya-ma-call-it
Food: Chinese
Candy: Trying to cut down
Number: 3 *it's a magic number*
Color: blue
Animal: Doggies
Drink: Sprite
Alcohol Drink: Don't drink
Bagel: um...the one with the hole
Letter: I unno
Body Part on Opposite sex: Eye's
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing: Burger King
Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: Hot Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla Vanilla
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Hot Chocolate
Kiss or Hug: both ^_^ I love cuddles tho
Dog or Cat: Dog
Rap or Punk: Punk
Summer or Winter: Summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Both *some scary movies are funny*
Love or Money: Love
Bedtime: between 10-12
Most Missed Memory: Adventure Farm (I was like 6)
Best phyiscal feature: My Jaw line/smile
First Thought Waking Up: another hour or so please....
Goal for this year: get fitter
Best Friends: Tom Paterson :D he rocks my socks lmao
Weakness: Kryptonite...I dunno
Fears: Loosing people, being alone
Heritage: Scotish and Englsih. *WOOO FOR SCOTTISH*
Longest relationship: 8 months
Ever Drank: Yup
Ever Smoked: Nope
Pot: Nope
Ever been Drunk: Nope
Ever been beaten up: Nope *thank god*
Ever beaten someone up: *I've been in a fight yeh*
Ever Shoplifted: Once I got bollocked for it
Ever Skinny Dipped: To right...iot was freezing lol
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: yeh
Been Dumped Lately: no
Favorite Eye Color: Brown
Favorite Hair Color: Brown
Short or Long: Whatever :)
Height: no bothered
Style: Trendy/punk/emo
Looks or Personality: Personality
Hot or Cute Hot's good, cutes better
Drugs and Alcohol: Neither but if I have to pic on Alchohol
Muscular or Really Skinny: Not bothered so long as they have great personalities :)
Number of Regrets in the Past Quite a few but I live for the moment
How do you want to Die: Like a rock star, famous and quick lol
Been to the Mall Lately: um...I've walked through a "Mall"
Do you like Thunderstorms: There awsome *go florida in summer*
Get along with your Parents: sorta
Health Freak: I'm gunna start lol
Do you think your Attractive: sometimes
Believe in Yourself: I belive I can do more than what people say I can do
Want to go to College: I am at college
Do you Smoke: Nope
Do you Drink: Nope
Shower Daily: Every morning
Been in Love: Kinda....wasn't really love tho
Do yo Sing: To right Musical theatre baby!
Want to get Married: yeh
Do you want Children: yeh
Have your future kids names planned out: boy called Leon (I love that name)
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: It's gone :'(
Hate anyone: a few people but not sayin
The Dirty 30
What does your MySpace headline mean?: Do you love me
Elaborate on your default photo.: No
What's your middle name?: David
What's your current relationship status?: Single
What are you wearing right now?: Clothes :D
What is your current problem?: I'm too naieve
What do you love the most?: being n a relationship
Who makes you the most happy?: Tom...which is soooo upsetting lol
Are you musically talented?: I play Drums, Guitar, Bass and I sing...you do the maths :)
If you could go back in time, and change one thing, what would you change?: A lot of things I don't wanna tell you
If you MUST be an animal for ONE day-what would you be?: American Eagle
Ever have a near death experience?: not really
Can you dance?: HA! no...
What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head?: Will I loose my Dignity
Who did you copy and paste this from?: Zoe :P
Name someone with the same birthday as you.: Brian May
Have you ever destroyed someone's property?: I ripped a whipper off a car once...does that count?
Have you ever been in a fight?: yup
Have you ever sang in front of a big audience?: Yup
What's the first thing you notice about the OPPOSITE sex ?: Eye's...Nice eye's :)
What do you usually order from Starbucks?: I don't go into starbucks
Do you have a crush on one of your myspace friends?: not really
Ever had a drunken night in Mexico?: Nop never been and I don't drink
Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?: one or too ppl (supposedly Jim Carrey)
Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?: yeh damn right
Did you have braces?: did...
Are you comfortable with your height?: yeh I'm tallest lad on my course :O
What is the sweetest thing someone’s ever done for you?: I dunno...
Do you speak any other languages?: a wee bitta Japanese only tiny tho
What's your favorite smell?: Chinese food :)
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My Interests

Musical theatre :), Theatre, Gigging, drumming, singing, and more creative stuff

I'd like to meet:

OOO god...um..........Traivs Barker, Ewam McGregor, John Frusciante (all of the RHCP's for that matter) Deven May, Cast of Rent :P, Nyone who's cool :)


ooo um. Blink 182, Greenday, Taking back Sunday, The used, Good Charlotte, Red hot chili peppers, Led Zepperlin, Bowling for soup, Sex Pistols, Box Car Racer, The Transplants, Sum 41, Alterbridge, Anti Meridian(local band), My Chemical Romance, Billy Tallent, Murderdolls, Feeder, Queen,, Jimmy eat World, Ash, Franz Ferdinand, Eminem, Bard New, New Found Glory, System of a Down, Jet, loads more just can't think at the mo
Which random blink-182 lyric are you?
Favourite Color
Your lyric is: We really need/to/see this through, we never wanted to be abused, we'll never give up/It's no use/If we're FUCKED UP, you're to blame ~the anthem pt.2

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The Producers, Little Shop of Horrors, RENT


Dr Who :D


....Horrow, thriller, adventur books, LOTR, Harry Potter, Scar Tissue