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♥ Making films, sitting for hours on a computer editing, taking drugs(not so much anymore after nearly killing myself), spending money, looking hot, drinking, laughing at you and your face, hating fat people to the point of being sick, using creativity in the wrong ways....trying to read a whole book (only in first 1/4 after having it for 4 months should be finished in a few years) being a twat, having lots of interesting special(timmy) friends lol and things that cunts do I guess!♥
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Drum and bass, Pendulum, Roni Size, Hype, prodigy, scratch perverts, with Kila Kela fucking amazing, old stuff, sixties (here we go), bands like razor light, the artic monkeys, the kooks(they love a bit of k too apparently so there wicked in my book, musics ok too!, oasis(the old stuff), blur, the gorillaz, nivarna, the beatles, Muse, the beastie boyz, venetian snares, The Automatic, My chemical romance, Panic at the disco, fall out boy, I love abit of emo innit and most music that makes me feel good.
My Pirate Name Is...
Pegleg smelly cunt
♥ Not in order of taste! Bad taste, Natural born Killers, Sin city, Fear and Loathing in Las vegas, Spun, Reservoir Dogs, Willow, white chicks, The butterfly affect, How to get ahead in advertising, Once upon a time in america, into the west, True romance, Nightmare on elm street 1, Tale of two sisters, manga, he he Masters of the Universe, Matrix, Blade, Fredi got fingured, Requiem for a dream, Basket ball, Lord of the rings, Brain dead, the sword in the stone(Disney), krull, Time Bandits, Battle royale, fuck loads more ♥
ya mother! Nathan Barley, Mighty Boosh, Family Guy, Black Books, Spaced, Curb, my name is earl, green wing, Neighbours hehe and this
The front cover of my autobiography in an alternetive universe
Spanking some kind of toy
Both great books
Hereford Massive
We arrrrrrrr your friends
Sole Mate
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