I follow a form of Nocturnal Witchcraft. No, not Devil Worship. Get over yourself, he don’t exist. I do believe in Gods, but no I don’t believe they are sitting on Olympus watching us and turning into animals to fuck us and begot demi-bastards. I believe there is a greater power, beyond gender, beyond race, beyond humanity. When we call the name of a single God/dess we are simply calling forth those and only those certain attributes of the whole for our current purpose.
And before you freak out completely, I also highly believe in Karma and the Law of Three-Fold. I’m not gonna curse you, no matter what you do to me. If I haven’t even cursed my rapist yet, you think I’m gonna curse you cuz you looked at me wrong? I don’t think so.
Nocturnal means night-follower btw for those of you who are a little slower then others. No I don’t worship evil or do evil, intentionally anyway. There is a Big difference between Dark and Evil, Light and Good. They do NOT mean the same thing, and they are NOT interchangeable.
My Goddess is Hecate, for now and ever. The dark witch of the moon. Having her Origins as an Earth Mother in one of the first organized faiths of our ancestors, she is a very old Deity who has my unwavering devotion.
Anyone but you.
I used the radio as white noise when I was little. It’s still basically the same thing for me now. I simply do not understand my generation, and those surrounding me’s obsession with music, bands, and the lives of those bands. I don’t give a fucking rat's ass who makes the song, or other songs they made, as long as I like that one song.
I’m very picky, and yet not. My iTunes consists of things from Mozart, Korn, Enimem, Evanescese, Voltaire, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Opeth, Linkin Park, Jack off Jill, ICP, Gretchen Wilson, Blink-182, Blindside and many many varied others.
I don’t give a flying fuck about the people who sing it, or who there dating, what bands they were in before or anything. So if you try to talk to me, don’t choose music as your topic of discussion because you will promptly be ignored.
You wanna talk music, There are Thousands of other dimwitted fucks out there who have just as boring a life as yours that they also have to center there life around someone else’s who doesn’t even know or frankly care that they exist and idolize them..
Due to a rather poor and mostly solitary childhood, I lack on having seen most of what seem to be staples of most of my peers’ entertainment growing up. I rather enjoy movies like Doomsday, Underworld, Ultraviolet, Nightmare before Xmas, Seven, The Prestige, The Village, and movies of this sort. I can’t stand horrors though. Too much gore, no real plot. There pointless wastes of money.
Same as movies. I haven’t even watched TV since we don’t have it in our apartment, for months. But I have to say; Original Adult swim would compose most of my favorite TV shows. Family guy, Robot Chicken, Futurama, Simpsons of course, That 70’s Show, and random things you wouldn’t expect like Reba and The Nanny. Some Lifetime movies thrown in there too *shifty eyes*
My Favorite Authors are JHONEN VASQUEZ!!!, Jack London, Anne McCaffery, ElaineCunningham, Gregory Maguire, Peter Steinhart, Elizabeth Haydon, Konstantinos, Sara Douglass, and of course, my current Favorite, Jane Lindskold with her Firekeeper series