The Spirit profile picture

The Spirit

Tomorrow just doesn't have to be another Yesterday.

About Me

I had a really cool job for about 9 years and that was a role model, big brother, dad, and most importantly a teacher. A preschool teacher to be precise. I love Vegas (the right way). I like to get my gear on Melrose. I'm not religous, but I'm very spiritual. I appreciate an intelligent woman. Knowledge is cool but wisdom can draw me in.... I'm a physical guy and I NEED a physical woman. My friends and family are the most important aspect of my life. We have all needed each other at one time or another. Or have been there for each other... I don't have any women as close friends cause I want my girlfriend to be my best friend and I won't settle for anything less.
I am in a good place rightnow. I have the unique opportunity to meet and fall in love with a intelligent, beautiful, clever woman.
Is it You?!?
I get to look deep into her eyes and tell her "That I am forever going to be in love with her." And about everything that makes her the most amazing woman I have ever met. That I would be honored to be a part of her life and her part of mine.

My Interests

The way of the Samurai is found in Death. Meditation on inevitable death shoould be performed daily. Every day when one's body & mind are at peace. One should meditate upon being ripped apart by arrows, rifles, spears, & swords. Being carried away by surging waves. Being thrown into the midst of a Great Fire. Falling from thousand Ft. Cliffs. Dying of Disease, Or commiting seppuku at the death of ones Master. & everyday without fail one should consider himself dead.This is the Substance of "The Way of The Samurai." ~2 Ships Passing in the Night~

When they are on different paths and needing such different ports.

They should just keep on going...

When the ships are so different in every way.

They should just keep on going...

When they've slowed down and peered into one anothers windows and seen all there is to see. It's not the same.

They should just keep on going....

When it is longer to turn around then to get where they wish to be.

They should just keep on going...

My path is set
My Heart is strong
I need a shipmate who wants to come along.....

I wrote this.....

I'd like to meet:

This Video is for NOAH..... ..



fast times @ ridgemont high, Fight Club, Deuce Bigalow, Conan, anything bruce lee




Please Feel Free to Contact Me for Any VIP Accommodations.
Email: [email protected]
Sun-Tzu "The Art of War", "Tickle Your Fancy, a women's guide to sexual self-pleasure."by, Sadie Allison. "Where the Sidewalk Ends" Shel Silverstien.


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My Little Bro... Have you ever kissed someone and wished it was like breathing.... a feeling you experience EVERY second of EVERY day for the rest of your LIFE... Feel hope for the people whom haven't.

My Blog

Graphic Design ~ Inexspensive design with industry standard software.

 Here are some of my projects & artwork.... ...
Posted by The Spirit on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 12:43:00 PST

If I asked you to be my friend.

If I asked you to be my friend. It means that there was something about you or your profile that would blend well with one of our events.  We believe in well produced  themes and emphas...
Posted by The Spirit on Sun, 09 Apr 2006 02:02:00 PST