Aiden Sawyer profile picture

Aiden Sawyer

There is no Limit.

About Me

Hi. My name is Joe and I am not your average Joe. I can't exactly describe y but I just am. Some say I live a little crazier than most. I don't think I'm crazy I just don't always follow guidelines. I like to do things my own way. I like to do stuff for myself. I have my own house and work on remodeling it and love to build stuff getting to see my finished project. I am trying to take enough pictures and make a website for business. that is another way i am like most is i don't do the norm. go to school, get a job, and work my way up the corporate ladder for 40 yrs to retire with a measly pension. I am not going to spend 1/3 of my life sleeping(well 8 hrs/day, so we kinda do) and another 25-35% of our time working.(40-60hrs) I decided that wasn't going to be me. So I am kind of a dork. I read a lot and am too serious sometimes. I just want to be financially independent at a young age. Cuz I like to live it up. Anyone who might know me, knows I like 2 have fun and party. Sometimes more than I probably should. but I have gotten things under control and am looking forward to a very successful year in 2007. I love to have fun and I love to do activities that get people involved. yeah movies can be fun. but mostly if i can have someone I care about close by my side. I want to play games and have fun.i love games from cards to board games. I love game shows. I love physical activities like biking,skiing, and hiking, and volleyball. I plan to bike from Maine to key west as soon as I find someone who wants to do stuff like that with me. I have some energy for life and so much drive for the world in my hands but no one in my life to help me keep my chaos contained. You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !

My Interests

A lot of things. seeing as many aspects of nature i can. i love the zoo, museums, foriegn places, game shows, dining out, taking cruises. I like music, entertaining. I love to please. I enjoy exercising. well a lot of it, not all. Someday I wouldn't mind fostering children when I am more at a stable place in my life, and it would be nice to have a partner to help out. there are many children who have no one at all. and times like this on xmas when most spend time with the family gotta be thankful for it.

I'd like to meet:

I'd love to meet someone who is understanding and full of energy that I can click with. I have a hard time making and keeping friends. Living out in the boonies as I often have, hasn't helped. I wish I could meet someone who could be true to me. I know they are out there, guess it just takes time since I have set my aspirations so high destiny has had to take me through a lot of adventures and obstacles enroute to my quest towards inner peace. Me, I would always be fair whether we were splitting up a hundred or a hundred million. I'm not a rat. If you'd love to get a small place of your own near where you grew up and live a nice happy quiet life, you wouldn't be the right person for me. I like people who don't object to family get-togethers, but I don't want to stay in one place all the time. I like to travel all the time. Flying once a week if business beckoned or obligations called would not bother me. I am an experiences traveler. I am never positive who I want to find. I guess I'm looking for someone who makes the magic happen. Presto, chango, wallah!!


I am a sirius subsciber. I listen anything thats current, not really any country. I love music with a beat I can feel.


I watch movies too much like everyone. I like them but I have been trying to more rewarding activities.


I love my game shows. so sad that this is bob's last year. I have met him before who wants to go with me to his last show which is sometime mid-june. I also like medium.


I try to read everything i feel i need to help me develop the knowledge to become wealthier than most people ever dreamed. It is my destiny.


Albert Hoffman, John Rockafeller, cornelius vanderbuilt, lance armstrong, my parents, jeane louise clemente, mother teresa, ray Croc, more to come, more to read

My Blog

trouble still a brewin

Well still having problems. sorta.seems like nothing wants to work sometimes.  although in other ways seems like everything happening for a reason.  so i doubt i've wrote in a while.  s...
Posted by Aiden Sawyer on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 03:12:00 PST