Well...what can i say , i know people dont read this part of the profile really, if its to long they just say fuck it. So i will say what is most important . My name is STEVEN better know as Sullen ,I like talking i like hikeing and anything that has to do with are mother earth ..i try and be very spiritual and iam really into ideas of different things going on in life and the world. One on one iam not crazy, iam very mellow and shy.I do like to dance and party every once and awile, so iam not a complet boring person , but i dont like to over do it.I dont like people who lable themselfs as anything like emo, jock, stud , gothic , sk8er, prep , shit like that , people like that try to hard to be this image of what they think is cool and it really bugs me.I Dont call myself anything and i dont love or am into one type of lifestyle i just do whatever i want .I Also hate people who think they are hard or call themselfs a bitch . Leave all egos at the door is what i say. Let other people make the opinion on what and who you are , dont make it for them. Remember " your nothing special hear " ( with me ). VIEW MY OTHER PAGE FOR MORE INFO AND PIX AND SIGN THE GUESTBOOK http://www.geocities.com/steven19852002/