the sae & kindy show profile picture

the sae & kindy show

About Me

i love my twin -sarah
i love my twin -kindall

My Interests


Sarah and kindall’s variety hour and a half
Narrator: it was a cold dreary winters night.
Marybeth-kellysue Drasker was sitting by the fireside moaning and weeping over the death of her poor skunk, foofoo Antonio drasker junior the fifthteenth senior.
Marybeth-kellysue drasker: oh foofoo Antonio drasker junior the fifteenth senior, why did you have to leave me darling. How could I live without you? (breaks out into how could I live without you song)
The ghost of foofoo: oh marybeth-kellysue, im so sorry for leaving you. I know it will be diffoocult to live without me but you must deal. I have one favor to ask of you.. well actually 2 favors. First you must tell foofoolina the neighborly flamingo that im sorry I left her baby without a father. and second you must retrieve the golden ballerina shoe from the evil lord michaeljackcina-alliababwa in Alabama. It will be a long and tedious and treacherous and diffoocult and dangerous and an exotic journey through the Midwest and mysterious lands of the beyond and beyond…and lands beyond that. And more.
Marybeth: hot diggity darn foofoo. Im too old for this kind of shindig. Im far too old but anything for you my darlin. (the door rings)
Foofoo: what on earth was that marybeth?
Mb: it’s the pizza delivery boy ralphie-marie. (shouting) It’ll be just a minute ralphie-marie
Foofoo: I must go kellymuffin but I shall return when the time is right. Farewell and goodluck.
Ralphie: hello mrs. Drasker. How do you do? Here is your pizza.
Mb: thanks ralphie. Tell your father Edward charles Williams that I say hello.
Ralphie: ok
Mb: well now that I think of it. Why don’t you come in and join me in a game of checkers.
The voice of foofoo: marrybetth you do not have time to play checkers, you must retrieve the shoe! Look under your bed for a map of the land of *&#^*&($finkazoid. There will also be a pink metallic key. You must swallow it, once you do it will instantly transport you into the land of finkazoid! Leave at once!!!!!
Mb: all apologies ralphie marie, we must postpone are wonderful game of checkers, perhaps next time we can play an even better game such as Chinese checkers. Farewell marie!
