football, volleyball, racquetball, food, gym, flying, running without falling down
people i've known before, people i do not know, people i want to know, who are reasonable...If i have denied a friend request from you many times, take it personally.
all, classical like mozart, bach, chopin, other famous and unknown composer's the most, and everything else a lot too, indian music, rock, metal, 90s hip hop
fight club, terminator 2, existenz, a whole mess of others, and a couple indian ones, little miss sunshine, transformers, bourne trilogy
king of queens, everybody loves raymond, simpsons, tales from the crypt, cosby show, fresh prince of bel-air, futurama, arrested development, potter puppet pals
the alchemist, the examination, Clarke Yellow Pasadena Phone book, The Far Side Galleries.
Family members