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Teri Bristol

100% Body Rocker!!!

About Me

" COLOR="#FFFFFF"Her reputation is one known around the world as one of the hottest female DJ's in the business. It is her unique sound and personality that brings life to every record she plays, making Teri Bristol by far the perfect icon to true artistry. Her dedication and hard work is evident in everything she touches. With a subtle demeanor, she transforms an audience into a true fan of this genre making it look almost too easy.
For over 20 years, she has toured the world bringing with her an amazing energy which has captivated thousands of people in countries worldwide, such as Switzerland, Mexico, Poland, Costa Rica, as well as Puerto Rico and countless cities in the United States.
A career second only to her ambition, this vixen of vinyl and cd has set her sights not only on dominating the club scene but radio as well. Friday nights you can catch Teri’s sets on XM Satellite radio’s underground house show hosted by Ultra Music. Teri was a resident DJ featured weekly on Chicago’s WKQX Q-101radio show, Sonic Boom, which was a DJ driven street based mix show.
For over 12 years, Teri pioneered two of the most world renowned parties at Chicago’s Crobar Nightclub; Saturday nights Interactive Dance Party which hosted over 2,000 people nightly and Sunday nights Glee Club, which was the longest running and most successful gay night in America.
Teri Bristol has paved a road of countless successes in her field and her creativity expands to what one might expect by her work ethics. Remixing artist such as Madonna, Petshop Boys, KD Lang, Prodigy, Gloria Estefan and many others, this rising star's momentum has not fallen short of what true legends are made of. Always new and on the cutting edge Teri Bristol is always creating. Her latest release, Dirty & Sweet was released on the Music Plant Records label and was well received, it was the follow-up single to Music Plant’s Metalworks label, Teenage Waste Land and Hooked on a Bass Line, these are just a taste of the talent behind the sound.
Upon meeting her, Teri's humble character is just another example of her focus and dedication, but above all, her love for music is superior. She manages to unite people from all over the globe leaving her signature in every city, country and in every one she meets. From LA to New York, she has hit every coast, showing an amazing sense of diversity and ability, knowing just what her audience wants. It's this ability to please that makes Teri Bristol what she is today; an original. There is no doubt that wherever Teri goes the multitudes will follow, and on the first spin of the record they know exactly what to expect from her, an incredible time. If there is anything else that can be said about Teri it's this; The girl is the true meaning of the word Star."

My Interests

Please use my other profile to see all the lastest and greatest news,events, and music posted by my webmaster Zeus! Please note, I will not be checking the other profile for messages or comments, but Zeus will be. People wishing to remain in contact with me should NOT use this alternative profile http://www.myspace.com/djteribristol


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